Changing Drake E-File Password and Address

How do I change my Drake e-file password or address?

Change Password

You can edit your Drake e-file passwords by logging into the Drake Software Support Website and selecting Account > e-File Password > Edit

  • There are different e-file passwords and requirements depending on which year of the software is being used:
    1. The e-file password for Drake Tax (2016 and later) and Drake Accounting must be a strong password containing 8-15 characters and at least 1 uppercase letter, 1 lowercase letter, 1 number, and 1 special character. 
    2. The e-file password for tax years 2012-2015 must be 8-15 characters, in any combination of upper and lower case letters or numbers. 
    3. For Drake Software 2011 and prior, a 5-character password is needed. Contact Drake Support for more information.  
  •  When you make a change under Account > e-File Password, remember to change your password in the installed versions of Drake Tax and Drake Accounting:
    • In Drake Tax, go to Setup > ERO.
    • In Drake Accounting, make the change on Firm > Firm Information Setup
  • To view your existing passwords, go to the support website and navigate to Account > e-File Password.  

For information about the User Accounts and passwords to log on to Drake Software Websites, see Related Links below. 

Change Address

To change your company information, including your primary, secondary or shipping address, delivery instructions, or DBA name, go to the Support website > Account > Account Info page.  Make your changes and click Save at the bottom

If your company name has changed, see Related Links below for more information.