MN - E-filing Self-Prepared Returns

Can I e-file a self-prepared Minnesota return?

You cannot e-file a “self-prepared” Minnesota individual return. You must paper-file any individual returns that are marked self-prepared (NONE chosen as the preparer number). In an individual return, you will see this message: 

0094 MN Preparers must have a PTIN to be eligible to e-file MN returns. The PTIN should be entered under Setup-Preparers from the main menu. 

Starting in Drake18, you can e-file a MN business return that is self-prepared. In Drake17 and prior, you cannot e-file any self-prepared business returns for MN. The following messages would prevent e-file:

2606 Form MN Return Header
Preparer Business Name 1 is a required field and missing from this return....

2607 Form MN Return Header
Preparer Firm Address 1 is a required field and missing from this return....

2608 Form MN Return Header
Preparer Firm City is a required field and missing from this return....

2609 Form MN Return Header
Preparer Firm State is a required field and missing from this return....

2610 Form MN Return Header
Preparer Firm City is a required field and missing from this return....

All of these messages point to the fact that a preparer is missing, which is the result of entering a firm or preparer on federal screen 1 as NONE Self-Prepared Return.