Drake Tax - State Rejection - "NO-FED-ACCEPTANCE"
Article #: 16247
Last Updated: December 05, 2024
Most states are "linked" states, which will not accept a return if it has not yet been accepted at the federal level. A NO-FED-ACCEPTANCE reject occurs on state return when the linked federal return has:
not been transmitted,
been rejected, or
not been accepted within a reasonable time.
Generally, a return that receives this reject will need to be transmitted again. The reject states:
The [state] return has been rejected due to a federal reject, or lack of a federal acceptance already on file. To correct this error please correct the federal return, then re-calculate and re-transmit both the federal and state returns.
In order to resolve a state NO-FED-ACCEPTANCE rejection, one or more of the following may be required:
If the federal return has been not transmitted, transmit both the federal and state return together.
If the federal return has been transmitted, but has not been acknowledged, wait until it is accepted or rejected before you prepare to re-transmit the state return.
Once the federal return is:
accepted – re-transmit the state return separately.
Within Data Entry, go to the EF Selections screen. Since the federal return has already been accepted, you can select Do NOT send federal.
The State E-File Override section can be used to select just the state (or states) that you need to re-transmit.
Clear all EF messages.
After reviewing the state return, recalculate and re-transmit the return.
rejected – Correct the reject and re-transmit both returns.
Make necessary corrections to the federal return and review the state return.
Changes to the federal return may result in changes on the state return.
Clear all EF messages.
After reviewing both returns, recalculate and re-transmit both together.
Note If the federal return was transmitted from a different software, or under a different EFIN, Drake Software will not be able to pick up the acceptance for that return. In this instance, the state return will either need to be transmitted from the other software as well, or it will need to be paper filed. Contact Drake Support at (828) 524-8020 for details.