Drake Tax - 1040: EF Message 5570
Article #: 11845
Last Updated: December 05, 2024
This message displays in an individual return that:
includes 179 expense
has a 4562 in View/Print mode produced by entries on screen 6 or screen 8829 for a home placed in service in the current year
Such a return displays more than one Form 4562 in View/Print mode. The error occurs because the Forms 4562 are not sorted into a sequence that is required by the presence of 179 expense in the return. The solution is to remove depreciation data from screen 6 or screen 8829 and reenter it on a 4562 screen, which allows the necessary sorting.
The IRS requires that Section 179 expense is reported on the first 4562 in the return, i.e. it must be on the first 4562 in the e-file record. If only one activity in the return has Section 179 expense, that 4562 must print first. If multiple activities have Section 179 expense, a summary 4562 must be printed first with the collective Section 179 information.
If you have any Section 179 expense, the program sorts 4562 information to ensure Section 179 entries are on the first Form 4562. All depreciation on that return must be entered on 4562 screens for the sorting to occur.
Screens 6 and 8829 produce a 4562 that cannot be sorted. This EF Message appears as a result.
See Drake Tax - 8829 - Office in Home for other information about entering Form 8829.