Drake Tax - Printer Settings - Stapling a Return

Article #: 10812

Last Updated: December 05, 2024



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How to staple the print jobs in Drake Tax

If your printer supports stapling for print jobs, you can select and have forms print from Drake Tax and be stapled.

  1. Go to View/Print mode of the return and select the forms that you want to print.

  2. Click the Print icon.

  3. On the Print Document dialog box, choose Properties and select Advanced.

  4. Choose your Staple option (options may vary depending on your printer).

  5. Click OK.

  6. Click Print.

Important  This selection modifies the printer settings globally until you change a selection through Drake Tax or your Windows printer settings.

If your printer requires a job to be printed to a specific tray in order for it to be stapled, make sure to set your tray options under Setup > Printing > Printer Setup > F8 Edit Printer Settings tab before choosing the stapling option on Properties (above).