Drake Accounting - 941 e-File Rejects F941-014-01 and F941-015-01

Article #: 16344

Last Updated: December 05, 2024


Tags:DASefileDrake Accounting

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Important  DAS produces red validation errors (validation indicator) to prevent incorrect information that could result in e-file rejects. If you utilize the Override Calculated Data checkbox (not recommended), be cautious and ensure your entries are correct. This article provides information on e-file rejects that may be received if Override Calculated Data is marked and information is entered incorrectly.

If you receive one of the following rejects:

Reject Code Message
F941-014-01 If Form 941, Line 16 checkbox "MonthlyScheduleDepositorInd" is checked, then "TotalQuarterTaxLiabilityAmt" must have a non-zero value.  
 F941-015-01  If Form 941, Line 16 "TotalQuarterTaxLiabilityAmt" has a non-zero value, then it must be equal to the sum of the following: "TaxLiabilityMonth1Amt" and "TaxLiabilityMonth2Amt" and "TaxLiabilityMonth3Amt".

Use the following chart to diagnose and troubleshoot the reject:

Is Line 12 Less Than $2,500? Monthly  Semi-Weekly 

When preparing the 941 (Employees > Federal Forms > 941 > QuarterX), select the correct deposit frequency option on Page 2, Line 16 of the 941:

Line 12 on this return is less than $2,500 or line 12 on the return for the prior quarter was less than $2,500, and you didn't incur a $100,000 next-day deposit obligation during the current quarter.​

When preparing the 941 (Employees > Federal Forms 941 > QuarterX), select the correct deposit frequency option on Page 2, Line 16 of the 941:

Line 12 on this return is less than $2,500 or line 12 on the return for the prior quarter was less than $2,500, and you didn't incur a $100,000 next-day deposit obligation during the current quarter.​


Review the following:

The Source selected when creating the return.  If Tax Deposits is selected, you must also complete the Tax Deposits screen (Employees > Tax Deposit > 941) for the entire quarter.  Otherwise, you will need to select Payroll as the Source.The option boxes Use Beginning Period Date, Use Ending Period Date and Use Payment Date can place the liability amount in an incorrect month.  Review the option you have selected and verify that the selection places the liability information in the correct month. ​

Review the following:

Client > Edit > Business Information tab > Deposit Frequency.  Select Semi-Weekly to create a Schedule B. The Source selected when creating the return.  If Tax Deposits is selected, you must also complete the Tax Deposits screen (Employees > Tax Deposit > 941) for the entire quarter.  Otherwise, you will need to select Payroll as the Source. The option boxes Use Beginning Period Date, Use Ending Period Date and Use Payment Date can place the liability amount in an incorrect month. Review the option you have selected and verify that the selection places the liability information in the correct month.