Drake Accounting - Installing Updates
Article #: 15104
Last Updated: December 05, 2024
Drake Software will periodically release patches for the Drake Accounting product. Patches for DAS will be installed automatically upon application launch. If an automatic update fails to install a patch, Drake Accounting allows manual execution to the patching process.
To start the manual patching process in Drake Accounting, do the following steps:
Go to Tools > Program Updates, which displays the "Install Updates" dialog. This dialog will either indicate that there is a patch available, no patches are available, or that there was an error while determining if Drake Accounting is up to date.
If the dialog indicates that are updates available, the Update button will be enabled.
Click Update.
Once Update has been selected, the program will close itself and start to install the update(s).
Once the updating process is complete, Drake Accounting should restart to the main dialog.
Important The updating process can only be done on the machine that it was originally installed on. Because of this, Tools > Program Updates will only be seen on that machine.
You can review update notes by going to Help > Patch Notes. Choose the patch version to see details. If you want to review patch notes after updates are installed, enable the option Show Patch Notes After Updating on the User Setup window.
Error encountered when installing updates:
If an error is encountered when installing updates, verify that all Windows updates have been installed on the computer. In Windows 10, go to Start > Settings > Update and Security > Windows Update. Restarting can also prompt you to install available Windows updates. Once all Windows updates have been installed, try running the update process in Drake Accounting again.