Drake Accounting - Blue Validator

Article #: 18519

Last Updated: December 05, 2024


Tags:DASDrake Accounting

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The blue validator indicates that the deduction does not match the global setup, or is otherwise different than expected. Hover over the blue validator for an explanation.

In certain scenarios, a deduction needs to be edited for a specific employee. Go to Employee Setup in the Tree menu. Select the employee and go to the Deductions tab. Select and assign the deduction. Select the Amount field and make the adjustment. A blue validator is produced, which indicates that the amount was overridden in the software after the field has been edited.

Blue validator on screen

The blue validator is also produced when viewing the payroll for the employee as a reminder that the amount is different than the original amount.

If the edited amount was made in error, press the F3 to revert to the default amounts originally set up under Employees > Deductions & Benefits.