Drake Tax - Edit or Print the EIN Database
Article #: 10575
Last Updated: December 05, 2024
How to edit or print the EIN database
The EIN Database is used to auto-fill company and employer names on the W2, W2G, 1098, 1099, DIV, INT, 99C, 99G, 99M, 99N, K1P, K1S, K1F, 2439, and 2441 screens. Every time a new EIN is used on one of these screens, the company or employer information is automatically added to the EIN Database. If the EIN of an entered company or employer already exists in the EIN database, the stored information is automatically filled in.
You can add new names, search for, edit, or delete existing names, as well as print the current database list. To do this, open the EIN/Employer Database dialog box at Tools > Edit EIN Database.
Note If there are not any EINs in the current database, you may need to update from the previous year by going to Last Year Data > Build EIN/Name from 20YY