Drake Tax - 1120 - Taxes and Licenses (Wks Tax/Lic)
Article #: 16282
Last Updated: December 05, 2024
State taxes already paid for the year can be entered on the left side of the federal ES screen in the State and City section. When the Accounting method on the K screen is marked as either Cash or Accrual, the amounts will carry to the form automatically. Override fields are available on the DED screen > Line 17 Taxes and Licenses > Detail link, if needed.
City taxes already paid for the year can also be entered on the left side of the federal ES screen. City taxes do not carry to the worksheet unless they are listed as Type: IN or FR. If you choose IN, then they are carried to Wks Tax/Lic, line 1 instead of line 3. If you choose FR, then they are carried to Wks Tax/Lic, line 2 instead of line 4. If you would prefer that they carry to line 3 or 4 instead, choose the city abbreviation in the drop list, and then manually enter amount using the DED screen > line 17 Detail link. For example, NYC would be entered as St/City: CI and Type: CI. Then the amount would need to be manually entered on the DED screen, if it should be included on Form 1120.
If the accounting method on the K screen is Other, amounts do not flow automatically from the ES screen to Form 1120. If the amounts should be carried to Form 1120, you must make the necessary entries on the DED screen > Line 17 Taxes and Licenses > Detail link.
Review the 1120 Instructions and field level help (F1) for more information.
Any credit figured on Form 8846 (Credit for Employer Social Security and Medicare Taxes Paid on Certain Employee Tips) adjusts the amount. Foreign taxes paid and occupancy taxes are also carried to the worksheet. To stop the literal from appearing on Form 1120, line 17, go to the PRNT screen and select Suppress printing form and attachment references.