Drake Tax - Amended 990, 1041, 1065, 1120, 1120-S Returns and e-Filing

Article #: 10492

Last Updated: December 05, 2024


Tags: Drake Tax 1120Sefile990EZ990PF

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You can e-file these amended returns, for the current and prior two years:

  • Amended 990

  • Amended 1041

  • Amended 1065

  • Amended 1120

  • Amended 1120-S

Note  ​When e-filing an amended business return, the date on the EF Notice in View/Print mode will still reflect the date of the original filing. The submission ID will update to reflect the correct submission ID for the amended return.

Amended 990

An amended Form 990, 990-EZ, and 990-PF can be e-filed much the same as e-filing Form 990 or Form 8868. To e-file an amended return:

  1. Archive a complete copy of the original return, including all forms, schedules, statements, worksheets, etc.

  2. Mark the check box on screen 1 for an amended return.

  3. Make all necessary changes to the return.

  4. Select Amended 990 on the EF screen.

  5. Complete the PIN screen.

  6. e-File the amended return.

The amended Form 990, 990-EZ, and Form 990-PF, and all other required forms, schedules, statements, and attachments are included in the transmission.

An amended return can be amended again, if necessary, and e-filed. Ensure that the IRS has received and processed the first amended return before submitting a subsequent amended filing.

Amended 1041

To file an amended fiduciary return:

  1. Archive a complete copy of the original return, including all forms, schedules, statements, worksheets, etc.

  2. Open screen 1 and select the Amended return box in section F.

  3. Correct or add new information on the appropriate lines of the return.

  4. Re-figure the estate's or trust's tax liability.

  5. Return to screen 1 and click the Amended Expl link beside the Amended return box.

  6. On the Amended Changes screen:

    1. Enter the number of the line you changed.

    2. Describe the line you changed. (For instance, you might enter, "Interest Income" if you changed line 1 of page 1 of Form 1041).

    3. Enter the previous and amended amounts.

    4. Enter an explanation.

  7. Press PAGE DOWN for another screen to explain another change.

  8. e-File the amended return.

If an amended return results in a change to income, distribution, or other information provided to a beneficiary, an amended Schedule K-1 must also be filed with the 1041 and copies given to each beneficiary. To have the program generate an amended Schedule K-1, go to the K1 screen and select the Amended K-1 box.

Note  ​If the total tax is larger on the amended return, taxpayers should generally pay the difference with the amended return.

An amended return can be amended again, if necessary, and e-filed. Ensure that the IRS has received and processed the first amended return before submitting a subsequent amended filing.

Amended 1065

An amended Form 1065 can be e-filed in much the same way as Form 1065 - you can e-file the current year and previous two years.

Note  To paper-file an amended 1065, use Form 1065-X. Other uses of Form 1065-X are described in the Instructions for Form 1065 and Instructions for Form 1065-X. Form 1065-X is an abbreviated form that resembles the 1040-X. Drake Tax does not generate a Form 1065-X, but you can download it at IRS.GOV.

When you amend a 1065 return in Drake Tax, the amended information replaces the original in the data file. Before amending a return, you should make a copy of the original to avoid losing previously submitted data.

  1. Make a complete copy of the original return including all forms, schedules, statements, worksheets, etc. Either

    1. Archive the return

    2. Make a back up of the client file and also print a hard copy or a PDF copy of the return.

  2. Go to screen 1 in data entry and select Amended return in section G.

  3. Make all necessary changes to the return forms and schedules.

  4. Complete explanation on the SCH screen

    1. Statement number — 011

    2. Explanation text box — Identify the amended items by line number and explain what was changed and why.

  5. Go to the EF screen and select Amended 1065 in the left-hand column.

  6. Complete the PIN screen.

  7. e-File the amended return.

The amended Form 1065 and all other required forms, schedules, statements, and attachments are included in the transmission.

Note  When amending a 1065 return, all K-1s are amended, and the “Amended K-1” box on the return is marked, by default. To override this default, go to the PRNT screen and mark Do NOT check amended box on Sch. K-1.

An amended return can be amended again, if necessary, and e-filed. Ensure that the IRS has received and processed the first amended return before submitting a subsequent amended filing.

Amended 1120

Amended corporate returns can be e-filed much the same as Form 1120 - you can e-file the current year and previous two years.

  1. Make a complete copy of the original return including all forms, schedules, statements, worksheets, etc. Either

    1. Archive the return.

    2. Make a backup of the client file and also print a hard copy or a PDF copy of the return.

  2. To amend a return not previously prepared in Drake Tax, recreate the original 1120 return in Drake before opening screen X.

  3. Open and complete screen X.

  4. Enter the amended data in the other appropriate screens.

  5. Calculate and view the return. Note the adjustments made on the Form 1120-X.

  6. Select Form 1120X on the EF screen.

  7. Complete the PIN screen.

  8. e-File the amended return.

The Form 1120-X is included in the transmission, along with the changed Form 1120 and all other required forms and schedules.

An amended return can be amended again, if necessary, and e-filed. Ensure that the IRS has received and processed the first amended return before submitting a subsequent amended filing.

Amended 1120-S

An amended S corp can be e-filed in much the same way as you e-file Form 1120-S.

  1. Archive a complete copy of the original return including all forms, schedules, statements, worksheets, etc.

  2. Go to screen 1 in data entry and select Amended return in section H.

  3. Make all necessary changes to the return forms and schedules.

  4. Go to the X screen and list the changes that have been made, along with an explanation for each change. Use a different X screen for each line of the 1120-S. Press Page Down to open a new X screen.

  5. Select Amended 1120S on the EF screen.

  6. Complete the PIN screen.

  7. e-File the amended return.

The amended Form 1120-S and all other required forms, schedules, statements, and attachments are included in the transmission.

Note  When amending an 1120S return, all K-1s are amended, and the “Amended K-1” box on the return marked, by default. To override this default, go to the PRNT screen and mark Do NOT check amended box on Sch. K-1.

An amended return can be amended again, if necessary, and e-filed. Ensure that the IRS has received and processed the first amended return before submitting a subsequent amended filing.