Drake Tax – 1040: No Preparer Signature
Article #: 10792
Last Updated: December 02, 2024
There are several items that may be preventing the preparer’s signature at the bottom of Form 1040.
No Paid Preparer
On screen 1, under Return Options, check the entry in the Preparer # field. If it is set to NONE, the Paid Preparer Use Only section of Form 1040 will be blank. See Drake Tax – Self-Prepared or Non-Paid Return for details.
ERO and Preparer Differ
Look for a NOTES page stating ERO AND PREPARER ARE DIFFERENT. If they are indeed different, enter the preparer’s alternative PIN signature (e-signature) on the PRNT screen at the bottom of the left column.
PIN Missing
If the preparer and ERO are the same, on the PIN screen enter the ERO’s PIN Signature.
Setup Missing
On Setup > Preparers and Users, under Return Signature Options, make sure that a PIN signature field and the options under Use PIN for are marked as needed.