Drake Tax - Print or Copy a Data Entry Screen

Article #: 12096

Last Updated: December 05, 2024


Tags: Drake Tax

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You can easily copy or print a Drake Tax data entry screen. Open the screen you need to print and right-click anywhere on it. From the drop list, point to Screenshot, and from the drop list select one of these three options:

  • To File Save a bitmap image of the screen. You are prompted for a file name.

  • To Printer. Print a copy of the screen from the printer dialog box. If you have a PDF printer installed on your computer, you can print the image to a PDF file format.

  • To Clipboard. Save an image of the screen to the clipboard. Immediately after making this selection, you can paste the image into a document, an email, or an image editor (such as MS Paint).

On Windows 7 and forward, you can use the Snipping Tool, if installed on your computer.