Drake Tax – NWClient Network Setup: Drake Icon not on Desktop

Article #: 13700

Last Updated: December 05, 2024


Tags: Drake Tax

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In some cases, the desktop icons may not appear as expected when you run the executable located in Z:\DrakeYY\nwclient\NWClient.exe (where Z: is the network server and YY the software year). On some systems an additional step may be needed.

If you are comfortable navigating in the network file structure, from each workstation, right-click on Z:\DrakeYY\FT\DrakeTax20YY.exe (where Z: is the network server and YY the software year) and select Send to > Desktop (create shortcut).

Note  Starting with Drake22, make sure that you have also chosen to run the DrakeTaxPrerequisites.exe in the NWClient folder on the workstation to ensure that all required prerequisites are installed.

If you are not comfortable with this process, contact an IT professional or Drake Software Support for assistance at (828) 524-8020.