Drake Accounting - 1099-MISC and 1096 for Specific Vendors

Article #: 15227

Last Updated: December 05, 2024


Tags: Drake AccountingDAS

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If you want to print 1099-MISC forms and a summary 1096 for a limited group of vendors out of your entire list of vendors, follow these steps after opening Payables > Federal Forms and selecting 1099-MISC from the dropdowns:

  1. Select the check boxes for the vendors for whom a 1099-MISC is needed and that should appear on the summary 1096.

  2. Click the Process button.

  3. Verify that the vendor(s) have a check showing in the Processed column.

  4. Click Save/Print.

    Creating a 1099 for a specific group

This process will print a 1099-MISC for each selected vendor and include only those vendors' totals on Form 1096.

Note  If you already processed all vendors before completing the steps above, you will get a warning message that processing will overwrite existing 1099-MISC forms that have already been processed.