Drake Tax – Using Multiple EFINs at the Same Location

Article #: 11540

Last Updated: December 05, 2024


Tags: Drake Tax efile

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Using More Than One EFIN on a Standalone Computer or a Network in the Office

You must register the EFIN before it can be set up and confirmed in Drake Tax; see EFIN Registration or Change for details on registering.

Note that if you have chosen to partner with a bank, Firm #1 must have the EFIN that was used on the bank application.

Standalone Computer

Go to Setup > Firm > New Firm. Enter information here including your other EFIN. Confirm the EFIN, click Save, and then exit the setup screen.

To use the other EFIN on returns, go to screen 1 (Name and Address) within the return, and select the firm you just created from the Firm # field drop list.

If you are using the DCN in your office for tracking purposes, adjusting the DCN start number on the firm screen is not necessary. A firm EFIN becomes part of the DCN of the return. Where multiple firms with different EFINs are set up on a standalone computer, firm DCNs cannot overlap.

Preferred Network (NWClient) Setup

Set up firms on the server as you would on a standalone computer. The firm setup information is shared by all workstations.

Secondary Network Setup (All Peer-to-Peer Workstations)

Firm setup depends on whether firm information is shared between the network drive (where tax returns are filed) and workstations. For an explanation, see Drake Tax – Networking: Peer-to-Peer Data Locations .

On workstations -

  • When Share settings is selected on the Data Locations screen (Setup > Data Locations), firm information on the network drive is shared by the workstations. Set up firms on the network drive as you would on a standalone computer.

  • When Share settings is not selected, firm information is not shared. Firms must be set up individually on the network drive and workstations. If a firm is set up on more than one computer, take care to set it up identically on each computer except for the DCN start number as described below:

    • If you are not using the DCN in your office to track returns, adjusting the DCN start number on firm screens is not necessary.

    • If you are using the DCN in your office, the DCNs for multiple instances of the same firm on different computers should not be allowed to overlap. The DCN should be offset for that firm on each computer by more than the maximum number of returns that will be created for that firm on any computer.

Important  A DCN (Declaration Control Number) is no longer necessary for electronic filing of an individual return, but you can still use it locally for reports and for keeping track of returns in your own office.