Drake Tax – Authentication Failed or Invalid EFIN e-File Password

Article #: 11547

Last Updated: December 05, 2024


Tags: Drake Tax.

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Caution  The following information applies to a message when trying to e-file, get updates, or install states. If you get a message "unable to authenticate" when trying to e-mail a return, see Drake Tax – Email Setup instead.

Authentication Failed

  1. Ensure that the computer is connected to the Internet. Preferably do this by opening a web page the computer has never been to before, like https://dnet.net/, https://www.1040.com/, https://weather.com/, etc.

  2. Go to the Setup > Electronic Filing and Account Information (ERO) screen:

    1. Verify that the correct EFIN* has been entered.

    2. Verify that the correct Account Number has been entered.

    3. Retrieve your e-file password by going to the Drake Software Support website >  Account > E-File Password. When retrieving the password, use the Copybutton to ensure that you are not copying any blank spaces. Remove the password that has been entered on Setup and paste the case-sensitive password.

    4. Click Test Account. This function checks your ERO setup information and makes sure the information you entered synchronized with the account information Drake Software has recorded on your account.

  3. Check for updates to the program by closing and re-opening the software. If prompted, install updates.

  4. Check for firewall programs on the computer (i.e. Norton Internet Security, McAfee Security Center, Zone Alarm Security Center). Configure the firewall to allow Drake Software files to be transmitted through them.

For information on other connection issues and configuring a firewall, see Drake Tax - Diagnose a Connection Problem, Drake Tax - Configuring a Firewall , and Drake Tax - Identifying a Firewall

Invalid EFIN or Drake Password Message

  1. Retrieve your e-file password by to the Drake Software Support website >  Account > E-File Password. When retrieving the password, use the Copybutton to ensure that you are not copying any blank spaces.

  2. Go to Setup > Electronic Filing and Account Information (ERO) in Drake Tax.

  3. Remove the password that has been entered and paste the case-sensitive password.

  4. Verify that the Account number and EFIN* have been entered correctly.

  5. Click OK to save your changes, then attempt the process again.

Note  The error may say "Invalid EFIN or BBS password" instead..

For more assistance, contact Drake Support at (828) 524-8020.

Tip  *The EFIN must match the EFIN registered to your account at Drake Software. If you were issued a temporary EFIN when you purchased the software, it was registered on the Drake servers. If you are now transmitting with your IRS EFIN and have not notified Drake Software of the change, the temporary EFIN is still being used by the Drake servers to try to authenticate your connection. See EFIN Registration or Change for details.