Drake Tax – Reprinting Checks

Article #: 11643

Last Updated: December 05, 2024


Tags: Drake Tax

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Lost or Stolen Checks

If the check was lost or stolen, however, you will need to contact the bank with whom you are partnered as soon as possible. Each bank has a different protocol for replacing a lost or stolen check.

  • EPS – (484) 546-2241

  • Republic Bank – (866) 491-1040

  • Santa Barbara Tax Products Group (TPG) – (800) 779-7228

  • Refundo – (866) 414-9947

  • Refund Advantage – (800) 967-4934

Check Printed Wrong

If the original check printed was backwards, misaligned, or damaged it may be reprinted.

To reprint a check

  1. Select Check Print from the EF menu. If there are no current checks to print, a message is generated.

  2. Select Yes to proceed. If the client did have other checks to print, you are taken to the Select Checks screen where you can select the Reprint Checks button at the bottom of the window.

  3. The Reprint Checks window appears.

  4. Enter the taxpayer's SSN and click the Enter key. That brings up information about the previous check at the bottom of this screen.

    Note  At this time you cannot set up a check range, but you will have this option later.

  5. Verify that the information on this screen is correct then click Print.

  6. The next window that pops up asks if you have the prior check in hand. If there are multiple previously printed checks for a particular taxpayer, you will see a drop down list of previous checks to choose from.

    • If you have the prior check in hand select Yes.

    • If you do not have the check in hand select No. You are returned to the Reprint Checks screen.

    • If you select Yes, the Check Print Options screen will open.

    • Before continuing, verify that all information on this screen is correct. Pay particular attention to the Check Number to be sure you are loading the correct stock into the printer.

    • It is at this point you are given the option to Setup Checks before the check is reprinted. The Setup Checks screen will allow you to change the check number if necessary.

  7. Once you have verified all information on this screen, click Continue to print the check. Select your printer at the prompt and then click Print once more.

  8. After the check has been reprinted, a new Check Print Record is transmitted to Drake Software and forwarded to the bank involved. The check print record tells the bank the old check is no longer valid and validates the new check.

If you are trying to reprint a check that you previously tried to print on a prior day, then you can do either one of the following to print it:

  • Either press the F5 function key at the top of your keyboard and it will allow you to print the check.

  • Or when the reprint option comes up and tells you it is too late, press Ctrl + D. This should allow you to proceed with printing that check. You should use this sparingly and only when you originally printed the check on a prior day.