Drake Accounting - Converting from EasyACCT

Article #: 15061

Last Updated: December 05, 2024


Tags: Drake AccountingDAS

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Importing from EasyACCT

From EasyACCT you can import your clients, employees, vendors, customers, and Chart of Accounts information, including account balances.

Employees Chart of Accounts Vendors
Employee Code Account # Vendor Code
First Name Account Key (based on type) Company Name
Middle Name (Initial) Name  Address 1
Last name Type Address 2
Address 1 Sub Type (for some types) City
Address 2 Starting Debit/Credit State
City Starting Budget Zip
State N/A Phone
Zip N/A Email
State Tax Table N/A EIN/SSN Indicator
Phone N/A N/A
Birth Date N/A N/A
Date Hired N/A N/A
Date Terminated or Suspended N/A N/A
Date of Pay Raise N/A N/A
Pay Class (Hourly or Salary) N/A N/A
Pay Period N/A N/A
Pay Rate 1 N/A N/A
Pay Rate 2 N/A N/A
Pay Rate 3 N/A N/A
Federal Exemptions N/A N/A
Federal Additional W/H N/A N/A
State Exemptions N/A N/A
State Additional W/H N/A N/A
Direct Deposit Payroll Checks N/A N/A
Checking Account Type N/A N/A
Savings Account Type N/A N/A
Bank Routing Number N/A N/A
Checking Account Number N/A N/A
Savings Account Number N/A N/A
Over 65 (hidden) N/A N/A
Under 18 N/A N/A

In order to import the clients, there is a three-part process.

Part 1

Complete the following steps in EasyACCT:

  1. Select the company to be imported into Drake Accounting.

  2. Navigate to the Import/Export Data window in the EasyACCT Utilities section of the System Navigator.

    • If a "Named Transfer" has been created, you can skip the remaining steps in Part I of this process and move on to Part II, however, file naming and data type constraints still apply.

  3. Select the Export Data button in the Import/Export section.

  4. Select the data to export. Employees, Vendors, or Chart of Accounts can be selected for export using the Data Transfer Options - Type of Data to Transfer field combinations below:

    • Employees - Employee/Payroll - Employee Records

    • Vendors - General Ledger - Vendor Records

    • Chart of Accounts - General Ledger - Account records

Note  Only one export can be selected at a time so this step must be repeated for each additional data type to be imported into Drake Accounting.

  1. In the File Format to Transfer field, select "Comma Delimited."

  2. Select the Include Column Headings When Exporting Data checkbox.

  3. Set the Path/File Name field.

    • You should create a new Folder on your hard drive to export the files into. You should not just export the files to the hard drive directly. Use the same folder for all exported files.

Important  - All exported file names must end in .csv and the file name should indicate the type of information the file contains.

- The file name for the file containing the exported Employee information must contain the word “employee.”

- The file name for the file containing the exported Vendor information must contain the word “vendor."

- The file name for the file containing the exported Chart of Accounts must contain the word “chart.”

  1. Once the required data has been entered, click Next and specify the transfer options you prefer. These options vary based on the data type selected for export.

  2. Give each field to be exported a sequence number in the Define Transfer Fields tab.

    • Not all fields can be imported into Drake Accounting. Some fields are required to be present in order for the information to be imported. If those fields are not included in the import data, the import will not be successful.

Part 2

Complete the following steps in Drake Accounting:

  1. Go to File > Import. The Import ... Files screen is displayed.

  2. Select Import Intuit EasyACCT.

  3. Enter information in the following fields:

    • Folder to Import - Click on the folder icon on the right side of the Folder to Import field. Navigate to the export folder where the files were created in EasyACCT in Part I of these instructions. Click OK

    • Client Code — Enter a client code. If a client with the client code entered exists in Drake Accounting, you can only import information that does not exist in DAS. For instance, if there is already an employee in DAS for the client code entered, employee information will not be imported.

      • If a client with the client code entered does not already exist in DAS, a new client will be created using the new code. A Client Code must be a unique code not currently used in DAS. Client codes are up to eight alpha/numeric characters (0 - 9, A - Z, and a - z) including underscores ( _ ).

    • Select to import Employee, Chart of Accounts, or Vendor information or Select All Imports to import all three. Information can be imported only once. Selections previously imported are unavailable to be imported again.

  1. Click Import to begin the import process. If a client with the Client Code entered does not exist in DAS, the Client Setup window is displayed, and you will have to complete and save the required fields before the import process will begin.

  2. The Chart of Accounts setup window is displayed. Choose Set up Chart of Accounts later and click Next.

  3. When data is successfully imported, a window is displayed showing how many records of each data type was imported and if any errors occurred.

  1. Part 3

Verify the information and complete the setup in Drake Accounting:

  1. Go to Client > Edit. Verify the imported information and complete the client setup.

  2. Go to Accounting > Chart of Accounts and verify that each account, its account type, and account balance is correct.

Note  The Chart of Accounts must have a zero balance before it can be saved.

  1. Go to Employees > Employee Setup. Verify the information is correct for each employee.

  2. Go to Payables > Vendor Setup if using Drake Accounting's Accounts Payable feature. Verify the information is correct for each vendor.

Important  It is very important that you examine all imported information. Since not all fields can be imported into Drake Accounting, you may need to complete missing setup information.