Drake Accounting - 94x - Business Taxpayer PIN

Article #: 15676

Last Updated: December 05, 2024


Tags: Drake AccountingDAS

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94x e-File Setup - Business Taxpayer PIN

A “Business Taxpayer” e-files 94x tax returns for his or her own company. The Business Taxpayer uses a 10-digit PIN assigned by the IRS to electronically sign their e-filed 94x tax returns. The Business Taxpayer is responsible for the contents of his or her company’s 94x tax return.

Note  An EFIN is required to e-file tax returns. If you already have an EFIN, you must update the information on file with the IRS to be able to e-file 94x series tax returns. Log on to your IRS e-Services account to update this information. You need to do this only once.

If you have a valid, IRS Issued 10-digit Business Taxpayer Pin, complete e-filing setup for the Business Taxpayer by:

  1. Selecting the appropriate business taxpayer client.

  2. Going to Client > Edit > e-File Options.

  3. Making sure the Transmit as Business Taxpayer option is selected and the name of the person who signs the 94x return for the business is entered in the Signature Name field.

  4. Entering the Name Control for e-File for the business. This information is required and must match the name issued to the business by the IRS or the e-filed 94x return will be rejected. This name appears on all the business’s written communication from the IRS. If you are unsure what to put in the Name Control for e-File field, have an officer of the business call the IRS EIN verification line at (800) 829-4933.

  5. Enter the 10-digit PIN the business taxpayer received from the IRS into the Ten Digit Signature PIN field.

  6. Turn on 94x e-filing. Go to Firm > Firm Information Setup and make sure the e-File 94x check box is selected.

    Caution  In order for the firm to e-file any 94x tax returns for a client, the e-File Setup section of the Firm > Firm Information Setup screen must also be completed.

The PIN application for a business taxpayer is not available through Drake Accounting. If filing 94x series returns using a reporting agent PIN, see 94x PIN Applications - Reporting Agent PIN instead.