Drake Accounting - 94x - Viewing Acks

Article #: 15735

Last Updated: December 05, 2024


Tags: Drake AccountingDAS

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Viewing 94x Acknowledgements

There are two ways you can retrieve your acknowledgements for returns you transmit with Drake Accounting.

e-Filing > 94x > View Results

94x View results screen

  1. Go to e-Filings > 94x > View Results.

    • Status information for the following forms (940, 940-PR, 941-SS, 941-PR, 943, 943-PR, 944, 945, and PIN) with the date and time transmitted is displayed.

  2. To filter the information displayed, select:

    • The type of 94x return acknowledgement to view

    • A specific quarter or All Quarters to view (only applicable to forms 941, 941-SS, and 941-PR).

    • A Status Type of All, Accepted, Rejected, or Pending.

      94x view results by status

      • When Accepted is selected, only the returns that have been accepted by the IRS are displayed.

      • When Rejected is selected, only the rejected returns are displayed.

      • When Pending is selected, returns that have been transmitted to Drake will display.

        • Transmitting to IRS-Drake indicates that Drake has received the transmission and the file is in the process of being transmitted to the IRS.

        • IRS-Pending indicates that the IRS has received the transmission but has not yet processed it.

  3. Click Get Acks.

  4. Click a column header to sort the transmission list.

  5. To look at a specific acknowledgement, double-click a specific line or click the line and select View Details.

  6. To delete acknowledgements, select the ack then click Delete.

  7. To restore deleted acknowledgements, click the Restore Acks button.


    Acceptance message


    Rejection message

Drake's Online EF Database

Another way to get status information for 94x transmissions is to use the Online EF database.

This feature provides “real time” information that can, at times, be more accurate and reliable than the information provided when using Drake Accounting’s View Results option.

To view this information on Drake’s Support website:

  1. In Drake Accounting, go to Help > Web Links > Drake Support.

  2. Log in using your Username and Password.

  3. Go to Reports > 94x Report.

  4. Select the appropriate Return Type and Date Range.

    • This uses the acknowledgement date and not the return date.

  5. Select the Status to display or select “All” to include all statuses.

  6. Click Search.