Drake Accounting - 941 Tax Deposit Cash Account

Article #: 17441

Last Updated: December 05, 2024



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Set up cash account for 941 tax deposits

If you have selected Use EFTPS Batch Provider on the e-File Options tab in Client Setup, the cash account for 941 Tax Deposits can be set up to auto fill once the deposit is marked as paid. To set this up, follow the steps below.

  1. Select Employees > Options from the tree menu on the left.

  2. Select the GL Accounts tab.

  3. Under Cash Account Numbers, select the desired account for Tax Deposit.

    Tax deposit selection

  4. Click Save.

    Important  ​If you do not see the Tax Deposit option under Cash Account Numbers, verify that you have selected Use EFTPS Batch Provider by going to Client > Edit > e-File Options.