Drake Accounting - 941-X - Amended Quarterly Return

Article #: 16167

Last Updated: March 06, 2025


Tags:DASDrake Accounting

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The 941-X form in Drake Accounting can be used to amend any 941 or 941-SS quarterly report. Navigate to Employees > Federal Forms or On the Fly > Federal Forms and choose the following options from the drop lists:

  • Form Type: Forms 94X

  • Form: 941-X

  • Frequency: Quarterly

  • Quarter: Choose the applicable quarter that needs to be corrected.

    941X Quarterly

In the Return You Are Correcting area at the top right of the 941-X form, you must indicate which form you are amending. The quarter is checked by the selection detailed above. Then complete any other necessary fields on the Additional tabs.

Beginning in 2024, the 941-X can now be e-filed. Monitor IRS.gov for more information.

Note  There is a known issue with Worksheet 2, Line 2j not calculating as expected under certain circumstances when making corrections to the 2021 Q1 Form 941. For a workaround, enter an amount on Worksheet 2, Line 2b and then set it to its original value. This will update the applicable lines on that page.