Drake Accounting – Form 941: Data Saving Feature
Article #: 18730
Last Updated: March 18, 2025
You can now save partial changes to a form by clicking the Save button (instead of Save/Print). This allows you to save your entries even if a validator is showing. In a future session, simply load your saved form and finalize changes.
Important If you use the partial Save feature, a PDF copy is not generated, and e-Filing is not enabled. To save the form, generate PDF printout, and allow e-filing, finalize your edits, then use the Save/Print button instead.
A tutorial of this new feature is shown when accessing Form 941 for the first time (before you have saved any forms).
Employees Menu
When you go to Employees > Federal Forms > 94x > 941, you will now have the option Latest Saved Form in the Source drop list. If you choose Latest Saved Form, the Quarter drop list will show any quarters that have a form with saved changes. Select the applicable quarter to continue editing the form.
To update the form based on Payroll or Tax Deposit changes, select Source: Payroll or Source: Tax Deposit instead to load updated data. This overrides existing saved data for the selected quarter. Be sure to Save or Save/Print the form before exiting.
On the Fly Menu
If using On the Fly > Federal Forms > Form Type: Forms 94x, the save file data will be shown, if available.
You can generate a Form 941 print out from the 94x Transmit or Ack screens.
You can restore saved Form 941 data from a backup. See Drake Accounting - Back Up Client Files for details.