Drake Accounting - Receivables Reports
Article #: 16464
Last Updated: December 05, 2024
Receivables Reports provide information about the client's customers, allow for batch printing of invoices and customer statements, past due reports, aging reports, and sales tax reports.
Customer List Report
This report displays detailed information about each customer or information for an individual customer of the current client. This includes their status, billing and shipping addresses, discount rate, credit limit, debit and credit year-to-date amounts, and their current balance. Sort the report by Name, Customer Code, or Balance. Select which customers to include in the report and click Run Report.
List of Invoices Report
Use this report to batch print invoices. Select to display Product Invoices or Service Invoices or Professional Invoices. Next, select the invoices to print. Select the box to the left of the Number column header to print all invoices of the selected invoice type or select the individual boxes to the left of each invoice number to print specific invoices.
Customer Statements Report
Use this report to batch print customer statements.
Past Due Invoices Report
This is a past due aging report for all customers with an outstanding balance. Select the cutoff date for the report. The amount past due for each client 1-30 days, 31-60 days, 61-90 days, 91-120 days, and over 120 days as well as the total for all clients for these aging periods is shown.
Aged Receivables Report
This report lists every invoice with a balance due by customer and includes the amount current and overdue. The number of invoices past due are counted and totaled by aging periods. Totals of all invoices past due by aging period are included.
Sales Tax Record List Report
This report displays detailed information about each sales tax record set up at Receivables > Sales Tax Setup.
Sales Tax Summary Report
This report displays detailed information about the amount of sales tax charged to customers during a specified date range. This report is useful in determining the amount of sales tax to pay each state, county, and city. Totals for each column and total sales tax are included. Include information about selected tax codes or all tax codes.
Transaction Record Report
This report lists transactions, invoice number and date, payment date, payment method, and amount paid based on Receivables invoices. It also displays a total for all invoices, a total amount paid, and a total balance.