Drake Accounting - Employees Reports

Article #: 16472

Last Updated: December 05, 2024


Tags:DASDrake Accounting

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Employee reports generate a variety of reports regarding employees and payroll. You can find these reports under Employees > Reports (Crystal Reports® in DAS21 and prior).

Available reports include:

  1. 401k Listing

  2. Check Register

  3. Consolidated Check Register

  4. Check Register (Detailed)

  5. Current Earnings Report

  6. Current Earnings Summary

  7. Deleted Checks

  8. Emergency Paid Leave

  9. Employee Detailed Listing

  10. Employee Listing

  11. Federal Unemployment Tax Journal

  12. Healthcare Eligibility

  13. Hours Report

  14. Loans/Advancements and Repayments

  15. Local Tax Worksheet

  16. Locality Tax Report

  17. New Hire List

  18. Payroll Journal

  19. Payroll Journal Expanded Format

  20. Payroll Monthly

  21. Payroll Report

  22. Payroll Report Expanded

  23. Payroll Summary

  24. Payroll YTD

  25. State Unemployment Tax Journal

  26. State Wage Report

  27. Tax Liability

  28. Taxes Owed

  29. Tipped Employee Payroll Journal

  30. Vacation/Sick Hours

  31. W-2 Control List

  32. Withholding Benefits and Deductions

  33. Withholding Benefits and Deductions Summary

  34. Worker's Compensation

401k Listing

This report displays the amount of the employee's 401K contributions and the employer's matching contribution. The report includes the employee's totals and the grand totals for the specified date range. To run this report, go to Employees > Reports > 401k Listing. Select to sort the report by Employee Name, Employee Code, Division, or Date, then select to include some or all employees and select the date range.

Note  Only employees with a deduction set up with the withholding code "401k" are shown on the report. If you make changes to the setup, payroll may need to be redone to have the deductions properly applied and allow them to appear on the report as expected.

Check Register

This report displays a check register for employee payroll checks using a specified date range. To run this report, go to Employees > Reports (Crystal Reports® in DAS21 and prior)> Check Register.

Consolidated Check Register

This report displays printed check information for each employee and vendor using the specified date range. You can elect to include Vendors and Live and ATF checks. An employee total, a vendor total, and a total of both groups combined displays. To run this report, go to Employees > Reports (Crystal Reports® in DAS21 and prior)> Consolidated Check Register.

Check Register (Detailed) - DAS22 and future

This report displays detailed check information for each employee and vendor using the specified date range. The report displays hours, earnings, and withholdings for each check in the specified date range. To run this report, go to Employees > Reports > Check Register (Detailed).

Current Earnings Report

This report shows the current pay rates, hours worked, pay amount, OT pay, gross pay, and any tips that the employees have made within the specified date range. The Pay Amount column does not include Vacation, Holiday, or Sick Pay. To run this report, go to Employees > Reports (Crystal Reports® in DAS21 and prior) > Current Earnings Report.

Current Earnings Summary

This report shows the pay rate, hours worked, pay amount, OT pay, gross pay, and any tips that employees have made within the specified date range. The Pay Amount column does not include Vacation, Holiday, or Sick Pay. This report displays current totals as well as quarterly and YTD totals. To run this report, go to Employees > Reports (Crystal Reports® in DAS21 and prior) > Current Earnings Summary.

Deleted Checks

This report displays employee payroll check information for checks that have been deleted within a specified date range. Information for the date range and YTD, totals for each employee, and totals for all employees is included. The SSN/Federal ID can be masked. to run this report, go to Employees > Reports (Crystal Reports® in DAS21 and prior) > Deleted Checks. Sort the report by Employee Name, Employee Code, or Division, then select to include some or all employees and the check date range.

Emergency Paid Leave

This report displays a summary of emergency paid leave issued to employees. Totals by employee and a total for all employees are displayed for the date range selected. In order for this report to calculate correctly, a benefit with one of the Emergency Paid leave withholding codes selected must be created and applied to an employee. To run this report, go to Employees > Reports (Crystal Reports® in DAS21 and prior) > Emergency Paid Leave.

Employee Detailed Listing

This report displays detailed information about each employee for the current client. Choose to show information about all or selected employees. Specify the employees to include in the report. To run this report, go to Employees > Reports (Crystal Reports® in DAS21 and prior) > Employee Detailed Listing.

Employee Listing

This report displays basic information about each employee for the current client. Use this report for employee verification. The SSN/Federal ID can be masked. To run this report, go to Employees > Reports (Crystal Reports® in DAS21 and prior)> Employee Listing.

Federal Unemployment Tax Journal

This report displays each employee's federal unemployment (FUTA) tax withholding on either a per-check basis or the summary of the withholding for the specified date range and year-to-date. The report includes totals for all employees and the same information being broken down by quarter and a grand total of all quarters. The SSN/Federal ID can be masked. to run this report, go to Employees > Reports (Crystal Reports® in DAS21 and prior) > Federal Unemployment Tax Journal. Choose a report type: Full Listing or Summary.

Healthcare Eligibility

This report displays information for employees. For correct display, each employee's Date of Hire must be entered (Employees > Employee Setup > Personal Information). This report includes the total number of eligible employees. The SSN/Federal ID can be masked. to run this report, go to Employees > Reports (Crystal Reports® in DAS21 and prior) > Healthcare Eligibility.


This report displays the hours worked information from Live and ATF payroll. OT Pay displays either the full overtime pay, or just the overtime premium depending upon the selection in Employees > Options.

  • If Store all Overtime Pay Separate from Regular Pay is selected, all overtime displays under OT Pay on the report.

  • If Store all Overtime Pay Separate from Regular Pay is not selected, only the OT premium displays under OT Pay on the report.

To run this report, go to Employees > Reports (Crystal Reports® in DAS21 and prior) > Hours. Select to sort by Employee Name, Employee Code, or Date, then select to include some or all employees. Next, select the date type (check date or pay period end date), and the date range.

Loans/Advancements and Repayments

This report shows the totals of when a benefit and deduction has been set up with the Withholding Code of Loan Repayment (deduction) and the Benefit Code of Advancement/Repayment Loan. To run this report, go to Employees > Reports (Crystal Reports® in DAS21 and prior) > Loans/Advancements and Repayments. Enter the desired date range and select to sort by Employee Name or Employee Code.

Local Tax Worksheet (DAS22 and future)

This report shows total taxable wages and total tax for each Locality for a selected date range. To run this report, go to Employees > Reports > Local Tax Worksheet. Select the desired date range and select to Suppress Terminated Employees and/or Mask SSN/Fed ID.

Locality Tax Report

This report displays a summary of employees locality name and local tax withheld for the date range selected, and can be filtered by location. Totals by employee and a total for all employees are displayed. To run this report, go to Employees > Reports (Crystal Reports® in DAS21 and prior) > Locality Tax Report.

New Hire List

This report displays a summary of information for employees that were hired within the date range selected. In order for the report to display correctly, the Hire Date must be entered under Employees > Employee Setup > Personal Information. The SSN/Federal ID can be masked. to run this report, go to Employees > Reports (Crystal Reports® in DAS21 and prior) > New Hire List.

Payroll Journal

This report prints based on the date checks post and displays the totals for the date range specified and YTD for all employees. Select to sort the report by Employee Name, Employee Code, or Division, then select to include all or a single employee, and the check date range. There are many filtering options available, including masking the SSN/Federal ID. To run this report, go to Employees > Reports (Crystal Reports® in DAS21 and prior) > Payroll Journal.

Payroll Journal Expanded Format

This report prints based on the date checks post and is similar to the Payroll Journal report with more detail. The report prints totals for the date range specified and YTD for all employees. Select to sort the report by Employee Name, Employee Code, or Division, then select to include all or a single employee, and the check date range. The SSN/Federal ID can be masked. To run this report, go to Employees > Reports (Crystal Reports® in DAS21 and prior) > Payroll Journal Expanded Format.

Payroll Monthly (DAS22 and future)

This report displays payroll information by month for the selected date range. The report can be filtered by Location and/or Division. To run this report, go to Employees > Reports > Payroll Monthly. Select the desired date range, Location, Division, and employees.

Payroll Report

This report prints based on the pay period ending date entered on the check rather than the check date. There are two report types to choose from: Full Payroll or Unpaid Payroll​ (use this report to verify live payroll before printing checks). Select to sort the report by the Employee Name, Employee Code, Division, or Date. Select the pay period ending date range to include, and select to include some employees or all. To run this report, go to Employees > Reports (Crystal Reports® in DAS21 and prior) > Payroll Report.

Payroll Report Expanded

This report displays information based on the pay period ending date entered on the check rather than the check date. There are two report types to choose from: Full Payroll or Unpaid Payroll. Select to sort the report by the Employee Name, Employee Code, Division, or Date. Select the pay period ending date range to include, and select to include some employees or all. To run this report, go to Employees > Reports (Crystal Reports® in DAS21 and prior) > Payroll Report Expanded.

Payroll Summary

This report displays information based on the date of a check's creation. Select to sort the report by the Employee Name, Employee Code, or Division. All sort methods can suppress individual check details. When selecting the Division sort method, there is an option to include individual employee YTD totals. This report can also be filtered based on the Location. Select the check date range to include, and select to include some employees or all. To run this report, go to Employees > Reports (Crystal Reports® in DAS21 and prior) > Payroll Summary.

Payroll YTD

This report shows the totals of payroll up to the specific date entered in the As Of date picker. This report can be sorted by Employee Name, Employee Code, Division, and Location. To run this report, go to Employees > Reports (Crystal Reports® in DAS21 and prior) > Payroll YTD. you can also include month-to-date and quarter-to-date totals with the Include MTD and QTD option.

State Unemployment Tax Journal

This report displays each employee's state unemployment (SUTA) tax withholding on either a per-check basis or the summary of the withholding for the specified date range and year-to-date. A total for all employees is included with the same information being broken down by quarter and a grand total of all quarters. The SSN/Federal ID can be masked. To run this report, go to Employees > Reports (Crystal Reports® in DAS21 and prior) > State Unemployment Tax Journal. Choose a report type: Full Listing or Summary.

State Wage Report

This report shows employees' gross, excess, and taxable wages based on the state selected under the Report Options when running the report. If completed, the State ID and State Unemployment ID under Client > Edit > State and the Unemployment Insurance Rate under Firm > Rates & Withholding Setup > State Setup flow to the report. to run this report, go to Employees > Reports (Crystal Reports® in DAS21 and prior) > State Wage Report.

Tax Liability

This report displays the federal and state tax liability for the employer. The Tax Liability report can be sorted by Location, which breaks down the totals per location in addition to displaying the totals for all locations. Select whether to use check dates or pay period ending dates for the report's date range. To run this report, go to Employees > Reports (Crystal Reports® in DAS21 and prior) > Tax Liability.

Taxes Owed

This report pulls information from checks within the selected range where the Social Security or Medicare tax withholding is lower than what Drake Accounting calculated it to be based on the rates. This is usually due to the amount being manually overridden on the check. The report displays amounts owed for Social Security and Medicare, amounts collected, and the total that is uncollected. To run this report, go to Employees > Reports (Crystal Reports® in DAS21 and prior) > Taxes Owed.

Tipped Employees Payroll Journal

This report displays a break down of employee's gross wages, including direct and indirect tips, similar to the Payroll Journal report. The report can be filtered by location and the SSN/Federal ID can be masked. To run this report, go to Employees> Reports (Crystal Reports® in DAS21 and prior) > Tipped Employee Payroll Journal.

Vacation/Sick Hours

This report displays the employee's sick and vacation hours. Beginning balance, annual sick and vacation hours available to earn, number of hours required to earn one sick hour and one vacation hour, current sick and vacation hours available, and the number of sick and vacation hours used for the year display based on the YTD information. The client's Federal ID can be masked. To run this report, go to Employees > Reports (Crystal Reports® in DAS21 and prior) > Vacation/Sick Hours. Select to display sick and vacation hour information for some or all employees.

W-2 Control List

This report displays a summary of information for employees that have had a W-2 processed in the software. To run this report, go to Employees > Reports (Crystal Reports® in DAS21 and prior) > W-2 Control List. Select to display W-2s processed under Employees > Federal Forms or W-2s processed under the On the Fly menu. W-2 forms that have been voided can be suppressed and the SSN/Federal ID can be masked.

Withholding Benefits and Deductions

This report displays actual deductions or benefits for each employee on a per-check basis. The report shows the totals for each individual employee, as well as the total for all employees. The SSN/Federal ID can be masked. To run this report, go to Employees > Reports (Crystal Reports® in DAS21 and prior) > Withholding Benefits and Deductions. Select a report type: Benefits or Deductions, then select to sort by Employee Name, Employee Code, Benefit/Deduction, or Date. Next, select the date type (check date or pay period end date), and the date range to include.

Note  This report does not include Federal, State, Medicare, or Social Security withholding amounts.

Withholding Benefits and Deductions Summary

This report displays a summary of deductions or benefits for each employee for the specified check date or pay period ending date range. The report shows totals for each individual employee, as well as the total for all employees. The SSN/Federal ID can be masked. To run this report, go to Employees > Reports (Crystal Reports® in DAS21 and prior) > Withholding Benefits and Deductions Summary. Choose a report type: Benefits or Deductions, then select to sort by Employee Name, Employee Code, Benefit/Deduction, or Date. Next, select the date type (check date or pay period end date), and the date range to include.

Note  This report does not include Federal, State, Medicare, or Social Security withholding amounts.

Worker's Compensation

This report shows employee (and 1099 vendors, if selected) hours and gross pay, for regular or overtime. It lists a total for employees, a total for vendors, and a grand total of the two groups combined. To run this report, go to Employees > Reports (Crystal Reports® in DAS21 and prior) > Worker's Compensation.