Drake Accounting - Budget Reports
Article #: 16476
Last Updated: December 05, 2024
Budget reports display profit and loss information, comparing the budget amount entered for each account versus the actual amounts. The report is only for accounts that have a budget greater than zero and are set up to be included in the report. However, there is an option to Show Zero Balance Accounts. These reports can be found by going to Accounting > Reports (Crystal Reports® in DAS21 and prior) > Budget.
Important Transactions must be posted prior to running a Budget report.
Versus Actual
This report is a comparison of the actual profit and loss of income and expense accounts versus the amount set as the yearly budget. Only accounts with an annual budget entered in the Chart of Accounts are included. Total income, total expense, gross profit, and net profit or loss are also included.
Prorated Versus Actual
This report is a comparison of the actual profit and loss of income and expense accounts versus the prorated budget amount of the yearly budget as entered in the Chart of Accounts. Total income, total expense, gross profit, and net profit or loss are also included.