Drake Accounting - Payables Reports
Article #: 16467
Last Updated: December 05, 2024
Payables reports provide information about the client's vendors, open invoices, cash requirements, and payments. These reports can be found at Payables > Reports (Crystal Reports® in DAS21 and prior).
Vendor List Report
This report displays basic information about each vendor for the current client. To run this report, go to Payables > Reports (Crystal Reports® in DAS21 and prior) > Vendor Listing.
Open Invoices Report
This report displays information about each vendor's open invoices that are due within the date range specified. Open invoices are those entered in Drake Accounting that are not paid in full, are partially paid, or are not paid at all. The net invoice amount, the vendor's total number of open invoices with the invoices totaled, and the grand total of all open invoices for all vendors (amount, payments, and outstanding balance) is displayed. To run this report, go to Payables > Reports (Crystal Reports® in DAS21 and prior) > Open Invoices.
Cash Requirements Report
This report displays the breakdown by client and by individual invoice of the amount required to pay each open invoice. Individual invoice due date, vendor name, and vendor code is also included. To run this report, go to Payables > Reports (Crystal Reports® in DAS21 and prior) > Cash Requirements.
Live Vendor Check Register Report
This report displays the check register for vendor checks printed based on a starting and ending date range. The total count for valid checks written, voids, and the total amount for valid checks written is included. Voided checks are included in the report, but you can select to omit them from the report. To run this report, go to Payables > Reports (Crystal Reports® in DAS21 and prior) > Live Vendor Check Register.
Vendor Payments Register Report
This report displays the payments made to vendors for all payment types during the specified date range. To run this report, go to Payables > Reports (Crystal Reports® in DAS21 and prior) > Vendor Payments Register.
Vendor Card Report
This report displays summarized information about each vendor for the current client. To run this report, go to Payables > Reports (Crystal Reports® in DAS21 and prior) > Vendor Card.
Vendor 1099 Review Report
This report displays a list of vendors who will receive Forms 1099. You can choose to suppress if amounts are less than $600 or suppress $0 amounts. The SSN/Fed ID can be masked. To run this report, go to Payables > Reports (Crystal Reports® in DAS21 and prior) > Vendor 1099 Review.
Scheduled Payments Report
This report displays scheduled payments within a specified date range. Information includes balance owed, net amount, invoice date, due date, and type of payment. To run this report, go to Payables > Reports (Crystal Reports® in DAS21 and prior) > Scheduled Payments.
Consolidated Check Register Report
The report displays individual printed check information for employees and vendors using the specified date range. An employee total, a vendor total, and a grand total of both groups combined displays. Additional options are: Include Employees, Live, ATF, and Suppress Terminated Employees. To run this report, go to Payables > Reports (Crystal Reports® in DAS21 and prior) > Consolidated Check Register.
Aged Payables Report
This report lists every invoice with an overdue balance by vendor and includes the amount overdue. Totals of all invoices past due by aging date are included. To run this report, go to Payables > Reports (Crystal Reports® in DAS21 and prior) > Aged Payables.
Worker's Compensation Report
This report lists regular hours, OT hours, regular gross, OT gross, and a total for hours and gross. This report can include employees and 1099 vendors. This report will be in landscape view. To run this report, go to Payables > Reports (Crystal Reports® in DAS21 and prior) > Worker's Compensation.
1099 Control List Report
This report details the amount in each box on the 1099 for each vendor selected when running the report and then gives grand totals. You can run the report based on Forms 1099 created under Payables > Federal Forms or under the On the Fly menu. To run this report, go to Payables > Reports (Crystal Reports® in DAS21 and prior) > 1099 Control List.
New Hire List
This report displays a list of hires within the specified date ranges. Check Include 1099 Vendors to include the vendors who will receive a 1099. You can make the SSN/Fed ID. To run this report, go to Payables > Reports (Crystal Reports® in DAS21 and prior) > New Hire List.