Drake Accounting - Firm Reports

Article #: 16470

Last Updated: December 05, 2024


Tags:DASDrake Accounting

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Find Firm Reports under Firm > Reports.

Client Listing Report

This report lists the client name, client code, business type, and ID number (can be masked). This information flows from Client > Edit > Contact Information and Client > Edit > Business Information.

Client listing report

Client Detailed Listing Report

This report summarizes each client's contact and business information. Select to include information about all clients or any combination of clients. The report uses the following format:

Client detailed listing report

94X Transmissions Report

Provides detailed information about transmissions and acknowledgements for the 94x series of informational returns:

94X transmissions report selection

Note  Other options available on some reports include Separate Net Income from Retained Earning Account, Exclude Tax Provisions, and Display Account Number.