Drake Accounting - Profit and Loss Reports

Article #: 16466

Last Updated: December 05, 2024


Tags:DASDrake Accounting

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Profit and Loss (P&L) Reports are based on transactions for accounts with the following types: Income, Other Income, Expense, Other Expense, Cost of Goods, and Tax Provisions. Each of these reports includes the ability to exclude Tax Provisions, include unposted transactions and display account numbers. Total income, total expense, gross profit, and net profit or loss are displayed along with each account's percentage of gross income according to each reports specifics.

By Date Report

This report displays the balance of the income and expense accounts (listed by account name) with transactions entered during the specified date range. To run the report, go to Accounting > Reports (Crystal Reports® in DAS21 and prior) > Profit and Loss > By Date and select the date range.

One Column YTD Report

This report displays the balance of the income and expense accounts (listed by account name) for the specified date range, where the start date is the Start of Year date and ending date is determined by the following:

  • If the End of Year date is before the current date, the End of Year date will be used.

  • Otherwise, the current date will be used. If the current date is being used for the end date and is before the Start of Year date, one year will be added to the ending date.

To run the report, go to Accounting > Reports (Crystal Reports® in DAS21 and prior) > Profit and Loss > One Column YTD.

Two Column YTD Report

This report displays the balance of the income and expense accounts (listed by account name) for both year-to-date (current) and the specified date range. To run the report, go to Accounting > Reports (Crystal Reports® in DAS21 and prior) > Profit and Loss > Two Column YTD and select the month to report on.

Multi Column Monthly Report

​This report displays a month-to-month breakdown of account balances for expense, cost of goods, and expense accounts with transactions (posted or unposted) for any of the selected months. To run the report, go to Accounting > Reports (Crystal Reports® in DAS21 and prior) > Profit and Loss > Multi Column Monthly. You can select up to twelve months and the beginning month.

​One Column Divisional Report

This report displays the gross and net profit amounts and percentages based on the transactions identified by the division. To run the report go to Accounting > Reports (Crystal Reports® in DAS21 and prior) > Profit and Loss > One Column Divisional.

Note  Transactions must be assigned a division created through Client Setup in order to be reflected in divisional reports.

Multi Column Divisional Report

Select the divisions to include in the report (maximum of 12).​ Included is the gross profit and net profit (or loss) of the selected divisions. To run the report, go to Accounting > Reports (Crystal Reports® in DAS21 and prior) > Profit and Loss > Multi Column Divisional.

Prior Year Compare By Date Report

​This report displays the balance of the income and expense accounts (listed by account name) for the current and prior year of the specified date range. To run the report, go to Accounting > Reports (Crystal Reports® in DAS21 and prior) > Profit and Loss > Prior Year Compare By Date and select the date range to compare.