Drake Tax – 2024 Form Availability and Tax Changes: West Virginia
Article #: 20049
Last Updated: March 26, 2025
Supported Forms
The following West Virginia forms are supported in Drake Tax 2024. WV forms cannot be e-signed.
Note Dates shown below are estimates based on the most up-to-date information currently available to Drake Software.
We are committed to meeting or exceeding the delivery dates listed; however, there may be additional factors that could impact the final date. The chart will be updated as new information becomes available.
Chart key:
t Form is supported in the indicated return type.
P Form is available for e-file / paper file.
r Form is not supported for e-file / paper file.
MM/DD Estimated availability date. Note that the date may differ for e-file vs. paper-file, and in some cases, e-filing may be approved before paper-filing or vice versa.
See Drake Tax - Do Not Mail Watermarks, Banners, EF Message 0001, Note 129 for more information about the notes, EF Messages, or watermarks that are generated during the approval process.
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Form | Description | IND | CRP | SCRP | PTR | FID | e-File | Paper File |
CD-5 | 12-Month Personal Income Tax Installment Agreement Request Form | t | P | P | ||||
CIT-120 | Corporation Net Income Tax Return | t | P | P | ||||
CIT-120AP | Allocation and Apportionment for multistate Businesses | t | P | P | ||||
CIT-120EXT | West Virginia Extension Corporation Net Income Tax Return | t | r | P | ||||
CIT-120UTC | Summary of Tax Credits | t | P | P | ||||
CIT-120U | Underpayment of Estimated Tax Penalty | t | P | P | ||||
IT-140 | Personal Income Tax Return | t | P | P | ||||
IT-140 NRC | Nonresident Composite Return | t | t | P | P | |||
IT-141 | Fiduciary Income Tax Return | t | P | P | ||||
IT-141ES | Fiduciary Estimated Tax Payment Voucher | t | r | P | ||||
IT-141EXT | Extension of Time to File Fiduciary and Information Returns | t | r | P | ||||
IT-141V | Fiduciary Income Tax Electronic Payment Voucher | t | r | P | ||||
NRW-2 | Statement of West Virginia Income Tax Withheld for Nonresident Individual or Organization | t | t | t | t | P | P | |
OPT-1 | Taxpayer e-File Opt-Out Form | t | r | P | ||||
PTE-100 | Income Tax Return S Corporation & Partnership (Pass-Through Entity) | t | t | P | P | |||
PTE-100APT | Allocation and Apportionment for Multistate Businesses | t | t | P | P | |||
PTE-100EXT | Extension of Time to File Information Returns | t | t | r | P | |||
PTE-100TC | Summary of Tax Credits | t | t | P | P | |||
Schedule 1 (CIT-120) | Separate Entity Filer West Virginia Corporations Wholly in WV | t | P | P | ||||
Schedule 2 (CIT-120) | Separate Entity Filer with Multistate Activity | t | P | P | ||||
Schedule A (IT-140) | Nonresidents/Part-Year Residents Schedule of Income | t | P | P | ||||
Schedule AFTC-1 | Alternative-Fuel Tax Credit | t | t | t | t | t | P | P |
Schedule B (CIT-120) | Adjustments to Federal Taxable Income | t | P | P | ||||
Schedule B (IT-141) | Fiduciary Modifications | t | P | P | ||||
Schedule B-1 (CIT-120) | Allowance for Governmental Obligations/Obligations Secured by Residential Property | t | P | P | ||||
Schedule C (CIT-120) | Schedule of Tax Payments | t | P | P | ||||
Schedule DP (IT-140) | Schedule of Additional Dependents | t | P | P | ||||
Schedule DV-1 | Disabled Veteran Real Property Tax Credit | t | P | P | ||||
Schedule E (IT-140) | Credit for Income Tax Paid to Another State | t | P | P | ||||
Schedule EK-1 | WV Partner/Shareholder/Member/Beneficiary Elective Pass-through Entity Income Credit | t | P | P | ||||
Schedule F (IT-140) | Statement of Claimant to Refund Due Deceased Taxpayer | t | P | P | ||||
Schedule FTC-1 | Family Tax Credit | t | P | P | ||||
Schedule H (IT-140) | Certification of Permanent and Total Disability | t | P | P | ||||
Schedule HEPTC-1 | Homestead Excess Property Tax Credit | t | P | P | ||||
Schedule J | Military Incentives Credit | t | t | P | P | |||
Schedule SB-1 | Small Business Property Tax Adjustment | t | t | t | t | t | P | P |
Schedule K-1 | WV Partner/Shareholder/Member/Beneficiary Income, Loss, Modification, Credits, and Withholding | t | t | t | t | P | P | |
Schedule K-1C | WV Partner/Shareholder/Member/Beneficiary Information for Corporations Subject to Corporate Income Tax | t | t | t | P | P | ||
Schedule M (IT-140) | Modifications to Adjusted Gross Income | t | P | P | ||||
Schedule MV-1 | Motor Vehicle Tax Credit | t | t | t | t | t | P | P |
Schedule NOL (CIT-120) | Net Operating Loss Carryforward Calculation | t | P | P | ||||
Schedule NR | Nonresident Income, Allocation, and Calculations | t | P | P | ||||
Schedule RECAP (IT-140) | Tax Credit Recap | t | t | P | P | |||
Schedule SB (IT-141) | Withholding for Beneficiaries and Nonresident Tax Paid for Withholding | t | P | P | ||||
Schedule SP (PTE-100) | Summary of K-1 Shareholders/Partners Ownership and Computation of Withholding Tax | t | t | P | P | |||
Schedule UT (IT-140) | Purchaser’s Use Tax | t | P | P | ||||
Schedule WV/NFA-1 | Nonfamily Adoption Credit | t | P | P | ||||
SCTC Worksheet | Senior Citizens Property Tax Credit | t | P | P | ||||
WV4868 (IT-140) | Application for Extension of Time to File | t | r | 03/29 | ||||
WV/8379 | Injured Spouse Allocation | t | P | P | ||||
WV-8453 | Individual Income Tax Declaration for Electronic Filing | t | r | P | ||||
WV-8453OL | Individual Income Tax Declaration for Electronic Filing (Online) | t | r | P | ||||
WV/CIT-120ES | Corporate Net Income Tax Payment | t | r | P | ||||
WV-CITV | Corp. Net Income Tax Electronic Payment Voucher | t | r | P | ||||
WV/IT-140ES | Individual Estimated Income Tax Payment | t | r | P | ||||
WV IT-140V | Individual Income Tax Electronic Payment Voucher | t | r | P | ||||
WV/NRW-4 | Nonresident Income Tax Agreement | t | t | t | P | P | ||
WV/PTE-100ES | Estimated Income Tax Payment for S Corporations and Partnerships | t | t | r | P | |||
WV-PTEV | Income Tax for S Corporations and Partnerships Electronic Payment Voucher | t | t | r | P |
New Forms
IT-210 Penalty calculation (Individual Package)
Schedule DV-1 – Disabled Veteran Real Property Tax Credit (Individual Package)
Schedule MV-1 – Motor Vehicle Tax Credit (Individual, Corporation, S Corporation, Partnership, Fiduciary, and Tax-Exempt packages)
Schedule SB-1 – Small Business Property Tax Adjustment Credit (Individual, Corporation, S Corporation, Partnership, Fiduciary, and Tax-Exempt packages)
Modified Forms
Schedule EK-1, Schedule of WV Partner/Shareholder/Member/Beneficiary Elective Pass-through Entity Income Credit – A second page ha been added for tax year 2024.
Schedule HEPTC-1 (Form IT-140), Homestead Excess Property Tax Credit – Increased income limitations
Schedule M (Form IT-140), Modifications to Adjusted Gross Income – A percentage limitation has been added to the taxable federal social security subtraction
Schedule T (Form IT-140), Tax Credit Recap Schedule – Small Arms and Ammunition credit has been removed and the Dependent Care Credit has been added
New Credits
Child and Dependent Care Credit
Disabled Veteran Real Property
Motor Vehicle Tax Credit
Small Business Property Tax Adjustment
West Virginia requests that taxpayers provide a valid driver’s license to better validate identities and prevent tax refund fraud through identity theft. Returns will not be rejected if this information is not provided.
A valid email address is required when e-filing returns. The email address can belong to the taxpayer or the tax return preparer. Failure to provide a valid email address will result in rejection of the return.
The West Virginia State Tax Department will recover a $15 fee associated with any returned bank transaction. Checks returned for insufficient funds will incur a $28 fee.