Drake Tax – 2024 Form Availability and Tax Changes: Minnesota
Article #: 20025
Last Updated: March 06, 2025
Supported Forms
The following Minnesota forms are supported in Drake Tax 2024. MN forms cannot be e-signed.
Note Dates shown below are estimates based on the most up-to-date information currently available to Drake Software.
We are committed to meeting or exceeding the delivery dates listed; however, there may be additional factors that could impact the final date. The chart will be updated as new information becomes available.
Chart key:
t Form is supported in the indicated return type.
P Form is available for e-file / paper file.
r Form is not supported for e-file / paper file.
MM/DD Estimated availability date. Note that the date may differ for e-file vs. paper-file, and in some cases, e-filing may be approved before paper-filing or vice versa.
See Drake Tax - Do Not Mail Watermarks, Banners, EF Message 0001, Note 129 for more information about the notes, EF Messages, or watermarks that are generated during the approval process.
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Form | Description | IND | CRP | SCRP | PTR | FID | e-File | Paper File |
Amended Income Tax Payment Voucher | t | P | P | |||||
Individual Extension Payment Voucher | t | P | P | |||||
Return Amended Payment Voucher | t | t | t | t | P | P | ||
Return Estimated Payment Voucher | t | t | t | t | t | P | P | |
Return Payment Voucher | t | t | t | t | t | P | P | |
AWC | Alternative Withholding Certificate | t | t | P | P | |||
BANK | Authorization of Direct Debit | t | t | t | t | P | P | |
CRP | Certificate of Rent Paid | t | P | P | ||||
DIV | Deduction for Dividends Received | t | P | P | ||||
EETP | Electronic Estimated Tax Payments / e-File Payment Voucher | t | P | P | ||||
EST | Additional Charge for Underpayment of Estimated Tax | t | t | t | P | P | ||
ETP | Employer Transit Pass Credit | t | t | t | t | t | P | P |
M1 | Individual Income Tax | t | P | P | ||||
M15C | Additional Charge for Underpayment of Estimated Tax | t | P | P | ||||
M1PR | Homestead Credit Refund (for Homeowners) and Renter’s Property Tax Refund | t | P | P | ||||
M1PRX | Amended Homestead Credit Refund (for Homeowners) and Renter’s Property Tax Refund | t | r | P | ||||
M1X | Amended Minnesota Income Tax | t | r | P | ||||
M2 | Income Tax Return for Estates and Trusts | t | P | P | ||||
M23 | Claim for a Refund Due a Deceased Taxpayer | t | P | P | ||||
M2X | Amended Income Tax Return for Estates and Trusts | t | r | P | ||||
M3 | Partnership Return | t | P | P | ||||
M3A | Apportionment and Minimum Fee | t | P | P | ||||
M3X | Amended Partnership Return | t | r | P | ||||
M4 | Corporation Franchise Tax Return | t | P | P | ||||
M4A | Apportionment/Fee Calculation | t | P | P | ||||
M4I | Income Calculation | t | P | P | ||||
M4R | Minnesota Business Activity Report | t | P | P | ||||
M4T | Tax Calculation | t | P | P | ||||
M4X | Amended Corporation Franchise Tax Return | t | r | P | ||||
M8 | S Corporation Return | t | P | P | ||||
M8A | Apportionment and Minimum Fee | t | P | P | ||||
M8X | Amended S Corporation Return | t | r | P | ||||
M99 | Credit for Military Service in a Combat Zone | t | r | P | ||||
MN4562 | Depreciation and Amortization | t | t | t | t | P | P | |
NOL | Net Operating Loss Deduction | t | P | P | ||||
RD | Credit for Increasing Research Activities | t | P | P | ||||
REV184b | Business Power of Attorney | t | t | t | t | r | P | |
REV184i | Individual or Sole Proprietor Power of Attorney | t | r | P | ||||
Schedule KF | Beneficiary’s Share of Minnesota Taxable Income | t | t | P | P | |||
Schedule KPC | Partner’s Share of Income, Credits and Modifications | t | t | P | P | |||
Schedule KPI | Partner’s Share of Income, Credits and Modifications | t | t | P | P | |||
Schedule KS | Shareholder’s Share of Income, Credits and Modifications | t | t | P | P | |||
Schedule M15 | Underpayment of Estimated Income Tax | t | P | P | ||||
Schedule M1529 | Education Savings Account Contribution Credit or Subtraction | t | P | P | ||||
Schedule M1AR | Accelerated Recognition of Installment Sale Gains | t | P | P | ||||
Schedule M1C | Nonrefundable Credits | t | P | P | ||||
Schedule M1CAT | Casualty and Theft | t | P | P | ||||
Schedule M1CD | Child and Dependent Care Credit | t | P | P | ||||
Schedule M1CMD | Credit for Attaining Master’s Degree in Teacher’s Licensure Field | t | P | P | ||||
Schedule M1CR | Credit for Income Tax Paid to Another State | t | P | P | ||||
Schedule M1DQC | Dependents and Qualifying Children | t | P | P | ||||
Schedule M1ED | K-12 Education Credit | t | P | P | ||||
Schedule M1HOME | First-Time Home Buyer Savings Account | t | P | P | ||||
Schedule M1LS | Tax on Lump-Sum Distributions | t | P | P | ||||
Schedule M1LTI | Long-Term Care Insurance Credit | t | P | P | ||||
Schedule M1M | Income Additions and Subtractions | t | P | P | ||||
Schedule M1MA | Marriage Credit | t | P | P | ||||
Schedule M1MB | Business Income Additions and Subtractions | t | P | P | ||||
Schedule M1MT | Alternative Minimum Tax | t | P | P | ||||
Schedule M1MTC | Alternate Minimum Tax Credit | t | P | P | ||||
Schedule M1NR | Nonresidents/Part-Year Residents | t | P | P | ||||
Schedule M1PSC | Credit for Parents of Stillborn Children | t | P | P | ||||
Schedule M1R | Age 65 or Older/Disabled Subtraction | t | P | P | ||||
Schedule M1RCR | Credit for Tax Paid to Wisconsin | t | P | P | ||||
Schedule M1REF | Refundable Credits | t | P | P | ||||
Schedule M1SA | Minnesota Itemized Deductions | t | P | P | ||||
Schedule M1SLC | Student Loan Credit | t | P | P | ||||
Schedule M1UE | Unreimbursed Employee Business Expenses | t | P | P | ||||
Schedule M1W | Minnesota Income Tax Withheld | t | P | P | ||||
Schedule M1WFC | Minnesota Working Family Credit | t | P | P | ||||
Schedule M2MT | Alternative Minimum Tax | t | P | P | ||||
Schedule M2NM | Non Minnesota Source Income and Related Expenses | t | P | P | ||||
Schedule M2SB | Income Tax Computation for S Portion of ESBT | t | P | P | ||||
Schedule PTE | Pass-through Entity Tax | t | t | P | P | |||
Schedule PTE-RP | Pass-through Entity Tax for Resident Partners | t | P | P |
New Forms
Schedule M1QPEN, Qualified Public Pension Subtract
Schedule M1PR-SR, Special Refund
Schedule M1RENT, Renter’s Credit - see Drake Tax - MN - Homestead Credit Refund and Renter's Credit for details.
Schedule NIIT, Net Investment Income Tax
Modified Forms
Individual Income Tax Form Changes
Form M1, Individual Income Tax Return
Added check box for Net Investment Income Tax (NIIT) on line 14
Added check box for NIIT filers only at the bottom of the form
Added check box for electing us to share information with MNsure to the bottom of the form
Removed the input line for Line B of the Certificate of Rent Paid and replaced with a check box on the M1
Schedule M1C, Other Non-Refundable Credits
Added check box for entity level taxes paid to another state to the top of the schedule
Added new line 17 that combines carryover credits
Removed previous line 17
Removed line 18
Removed line 19 Schedule M1CR, Credit for Income Tax Paid to Another State
Schedule M1CR, Credit for Income Tax Paid to Another State
Added check box for entity level taxes paid to another state to the top of the schedule
Schedule M1CMD, Credit for Attaining Master’s Degree in Teacher’s Licensure Field
Added check box requesting information on pedagogy component in their program to the top of the schedule
Added check box to verify they had a license when they began and finished program to the top of the schedule
Schedule M1CWFC, Minnesota Child and Working Family Credits
Added a write-in line between lines 21 and 22 to enter number of qualifying children who were under the age of 17
Added the following check boxes to the top of the schedule:
Married Filing Single eligibility
Electing to receive advance payments
Added the following lines
Line 17
Line 18
Line 19
Line 20
Line 21
Line 22
Line 23
Added lines for entering bank deposit information for receiving advance payments
Schedule M1RCR, Credit for Tax Paid to Wisconsin
Added check box for entity level taxes paid to another state to the top of the schedule
Schedule M1REF, Refundable Credits
Added line 4 for the Renter’s Credit, shifting all other lines down one
Added line 12 for Sustainable Aviation Fuel Credit
Added space to enter certificate number for Sustainable Aviation Fuel Credit on line 12
Property Tax Refund Form Changes
Form M1PR, Homestead Credit Refund (for Homeowners) see Drake Tax - MN - Homestead Credit Refund and Renter's Credit for details.
Added line 6, additional nontaxable income, with table to enter type of income and amount
Moved check box for mobile homeowners to the top of the form
Moved line 14, co-occupant income, to line 5
Removed check box for renters, nursing homes, and homeowners from the top of the form
Removed lines 16-18, Renter’s Refund
Removed lines 26-38, Special Refund Lines, and moved to Schedule M1PR-S
Business Income tax Form Changes
Form M3, Partnership Return
Updated Minimum Fee Table
Form M4, Corporate Franchise Tax Return
Added line 6, Credit for Sustainable Aviation Fuel, and the certificate number from the Department of Agriculture
Added line 24 of the M4T for carryover credits from prior years including D - Name of Credit, E - Certificate Number, F - Unused Credit, and G - MNID
Changed line 4m to the M4I from: Disallowed section 280E expenses of a licensed cannabis business, to: Disallowed section 280E expenses of a licensed cannabis or hemp business
Line numbers have shifted for Lines 6-19 to accommodate the addition of line 6
Reorganized lines 14 through 23 of the M4T
Updated subtraction for qualified railroad track maintenance credit instructions for line 4c of the M4I.
Updated Minimum Fee Table on Form M4A
Form M4X, Amended Franchise Tax Return/Claim for Refund
Added line 26 for carryover credits from prior years and to include D - Name of Credit, E - Certificate Number, and F - Unused Credit
Added line 32, Credit for Sustainable Aviation Fuel, and the certificate number from the Department of Agriculture
Line numbers have shifted for lines 27-31 to accommodate the addition of line 26
Line numbers have shifted for lines 33-45 to accommodate the addition of lines 26 and 32
Reorganized lines 15 through 25
Updated line 4m of Amended Income Calculation from: Disallowed section 280E expenses of a licensed cannabis business, to: Disallowed section 280E expenses of a licensed cannabis or hemp business
Form M8, S Corporation Return
Updated Minimum Fee Table on Form M8A
Schedule KPC, Partner’s Share of Income, Credits and Modifications
Added line 23 to Partner's pro rata share of a net gain relating to dispositions of Class 2a property
Added line 24 to Partner's pro rata share of deductions and modifications relating to line 21
Added line 31, Credit for Sustainable Aviation Fuel, and the certificate number from the Department of Agriculture
Updated line 19 from: Disallowed section 280E expenses of a licensed cannabis business, to: Disallowed section 280E expenses of a licensed cannabis or hemp business
Schedule KS, Shareholder’s Share of Income, Credits and Modifications
Added line 21 for Shareholder's pro rata share of a net gain relating to dispositions of Class 2a property
Added line 22 for Shareholder's pro rata share of deductions and modifications relating to line 21
Added line 29, Credit for Sustainable Aviation Fuel, and the certificate number from the Department of Agriculture
Updated line 16 from: Disallowed section 280E expenses of a licensed cannabis business, to: Disallowed section 280E expenses of a licensed cannabis or hemp business
Schedule NOL, Net Operating Loss Deduction
Updated net operating loss (NOL) limitation in instructions of Schedule NOL
Fiduciary Income Tax Form Changes
Form M2, Income Tax Return for Estates and Trusts
Added line 12, Minnesota Net Investment Income Tax, and must enclose Schedule NIIT
Added line 24, Carryover credits from prior years including D – Name of Credit, E – Certificate Number, and F – Unused Credit
Added line 31, Credit for Sustainable Aviation Fuel, and the certificate number from the Department of Agriculture
Changed line 65 from: Disallowed section 280E expenses of a licensed cannabis business, to: Disallowed section 280E expenses of a licensed cannabis or hemp business
Removed line 18, unused credit for owners of agricultural assets from a prior year
Removed line 50, This line intentionally left blank
Updated subtraction for railroad maintenance expenses instructions for line 62.
Schedule M2MT, Alternative Minimum Tax
Added Instruction Calculation Changes to line 3
Added Instruction Calculation Changes to line 6
Updated line 7 from: If line 7, column A is $43,990 or less, stop here, to: If line 7, column A is $46,360 or less, stop here.
Schedule M2NM, Non-Minnesota Source Income
Added line 12, Section 199A Qualified Business Income Addition
Added line 23, Estate Tax Deduction
Added line 24, Qualified Business Income Deduction
Added line 25, Exemption
Schedule KF, Beneficiary’s Share of Minnesota Taxable Income
Added line 30, Beneficiary's pro rata share of a net gain relating to dispositions of Class 2a property
Added line 31, Beneficiary's pro rata share of deductions and modifications relating to Line 30
Added line 39, Carryover credits from prior years including D - Name of Credit, E - Certificate Number, F - Unused Credit, and G - Remaining Years
Added line 40, Credit for Sustainable Aviation Fuel, and the certificate number from the Department of Agriculture
Changed line 23 from: Disallowed section 280E expenses of a licensed cannabis business, to: Disallowed section 280E expenses of a licensed cannabis or hemp business
Schedule M2SB, Income Tax Computation for S Portion of ESBT
Changed line 35 from: Disallowed section 280E expenses of a licensed cannabis business, to: Disallowed section 280E expenses of a licensed cannabis or hemp business
Form M2X, Amended Income Tax Return for Estates and Trusts
Added line 12, Minnesota Net Investment Income Tax, and must enclose Schedule NIIT
Added line 24, Carryover credits from prior years including D - Name of Credit, E - Certificate Number, and F - Unused Credit
Added line 31, Credit for Sustainable Aviation Fuel, and the certificate number from the Department of Agriculture
Changed line 66 from: Disallowed section 280E expenses of a licensed cannabis business, to: Disallowed section 280E expenses of a licensed cannabis or hemp business
Removed line 18, Unused credit for owners of agricultural assets from a prior year
Removed line 51, This line intentionally left blank
Obsolete Form
Schedule M1PR-AI, Additions to Income
Tax Law Changes
Individual Package
Advance Payment of Child Tax Credit – Beginning with tax year 2024, taxpayers may make an election to receive advance payments of their 2025 Child Tax Credit. The taxpayer must be eligible for a child tax credit in 2024 to receive advance payments for 2025.
Authorization to share information with MNsure - When filing your individual income tax return, you may elect to authorize the Minnesota Department of Revenue to share necessary return information with MNsure for the purpose of contacting you with information about estimated eligibility for free or reduced-cost health insurance.
The information that will be shared includes:
Name and spouse’s name if filing a joint return
Number of people in the household
Dependent’s date of birth
Address Adjusted gross income
Telephone number
County of residence
CRP System Update for Landlords – All residential property owners and managers can now use e-Services to create and manage Certificates of Rent Paid (CRPs) for Minnesota properties. There is no cost to use this service. For more information, visit the www.revenue.state.mn.us.
Dependent Exemptions – The dependent exemption amount is now $5,050 for each qualifying dependent. The taxpayer’s total exemption amount is reduced if their income exceeds the following thresholds:
Single – $232,550
Married Filing Separately – $174,425
Married Filing Jointly or Qualifying Surviving Spouse – $348,850
Head of Household – $290,700
Itemized Deductions - Minnesota itemized deductions are reported on Schedule M1SA, Minnesota Itemized Deductions. For more information, see page 12. You may itemize deductions on your Minnesota income tax return even if you claimed the standard deduction on your federal income tax return. Your itemized deductions are reduced if your adjusted gross income exceeds $232,500 ($116,250 if you are married and filing a separate return). If your adjusted gross income exceeds $1,053,750, you are limited to 20% of your itemized deductions
Net Investment Income Tax – Beginning with tax year 2024, individuals with net investment income greater than $1,000,000 must file Schedule NIIT, Net Investment Income Tax, with Form M1. Net investment income includes, but is not limited to, interest, dividends, capital gains, rental and royalty income, and non-qualified annuities. It does not include net gains attributable to dispositions of property classified as class 2a agricultural land. Any partner or shareholder electing composite income tax or Pass-Through Entity (PTE) tax to satisfy their filing requirement must file Schedule NIIT with Form M1. In these situations, the Form M1 will only report the net investment income tax due on line 14 and will not report any other tax lines or tax benefits. The composite income tax or PTE tax can still satisfy the partner’s or shareholder’s tax for the distributive share of the entity’s business income.
Renter’s Credit – Beginning with rent paid in tax year 2024, renters can claim a credit by completing Schedule M1RENT, Renter’s Credit with their Minnesota Individual Income Tax Return. Renters should not complete Form M1PR, Homestead Credit Refund to claim their Renter’s Credit.
Standard Deductions:
$14,575 for Single or Married Filing Separately
$29,150 for Married Filing Jointly or Qualifying Surviving Spouse
$21,900 for Head of Household
The standard deduction is reduced by up to 80% if your adjusted gross income exceeds $232,500 ($116,250 if you are married and filling a separate return). If your adjusted gross income is equal to or more than $1,053,750, your standard deduction is reduced by 80%.
Fiduciary Package
The credit for Sustainable Aviation Fuel has been added for tax year 2024.
The Minnesota Net Investment Income Tax imposed on individuals, estates, and trusts with more than $1,000,000 of net investment income in the tax year has been added for tax year 2024.
Corporation, S Corporation, and Partnership Packages
Minimum Fee – Partnerships and S corporations are subject to a minimum fee if the sum of its Minnesota source property, payroll, and sales or receipts is at least $1,220,000 (previously $1,160,000).
Partnerships are exempt from the minimum fee if more than 80% of the income is from farming.
S corporations that file as QSSS federally should include all factors under one parent company and are subject to only one minimum fee at the parent company level.
The credit for Sustainable Aviation Fuel has been added for tax year 2024.
The Minnesota Tax Bill signed into law on April 8, 2024, retroactively changed the effective date for the 70% Net Operating Loss deduction limitation.