Drake Tax - Do Not Mail Watermarks, Banners, EF Message 0001, Note 129
Article #: 10958
Last Updated: March 06, 2025
Note This article comprises former KB articles 18346 and 10958. It is herein referred to as KB 10958.
EF Message
If EF Message 0001 is generated, an individual return is not able to be e-filed as one or more forms included in the return are not finalized. A list of possible forms is also shown.
Different EF Message numbers are generated in other return types and prevent e-filing until the forms have been finalized.
The watermark, "This return contains items that are still in development" indicates that the return cannot be e-filed or paper-filed as one or more forms are not finalized.
EF Message
An EF Message is generated if the return is not eligible for e-filing. The message number varies depending on the state involved.
If a state return displays a banner across the top of the form that says, "TAXPAYER COPY ONLY - DO NOT MAIL THIS FORM," it is not available for paper-filing. The form can be printed for the taxpayer's information, but it should not be paper-filed with the state. The banner will be removed with an update when the form is ready for official use.
Some states have additional restrictions on forms that have not been approved, see Drake Tax - OH - Forms Not Printing; Only Numbers Printing for details.
Also see Drake Tax - NY: Watermark on Forms and Drake Tax - Watermarks Available in View/Print for Documents and Sets for more information.
The watermark, "This return contains items that are still in development" indicates that the return cannot be e-filed or paper-filed as one or more forms are not finalized.