Drake Tax - Change SSN or EIN on Return
Article #: 10125
Last Updated: December 05, 2024
Change Primary SSN/EIN/ID Number
Caution If you are a PPR user, this function will result in being charged for a second return. See Related Links below for more information.
In Drake Tax, the primary taxpayer's ID number in an individual return, or entity EIN on a business return, is used as the identifying number on the return. The secondary taxpayer (spouse) and any dependent ID numbers in an individual return, or partner, shareholder, or beneficiary ID numbers in a business return can be changed on the applicable screens in data entry directly. Use the following steps to change or correct the primary ID number on file:
If you have opened any client-specific documents in Drake Documents, close the PDF or other document before proceeding. If a document that has been saved in that client's Drake Documents folder is open, you will encounter a permissions issue when attempting to change the SSN/EIN.
From the Home window of the software, on the menu bar, select Tools > File Maintenance > Change ID Number on Return.
Enter the Incorrect ID Number in the first field and the Correct ID Number in the next field.
If the software tells you that the file is currently in use, close the software and re-open it. If the issue persists, restart your computer and try again.
Click Continue.
On the warning message asking if you want to change the SSN/EIN, click Yes to continue (or No to go back to step 3).
If you select Yes, a note appears at the bottom of the window stating that the change has been made.
Run Repair Index Files from the Tools menu to update your client list.
This function is often needed to clear EF Message 5127 in a 1040 return.
Switching Taxpayer and Spouse
If you are changing the ID number on return in order to switch the filing position of the taxpayer and spouse in data entry, follow steps 1-7 above. Enter the current primary taxpayer's ID number as the Incorrect ID Number and the current spouse's ID number as the Correct ID Number.
After changing the ID number on file, you must manually move the Spouse's ID and demographic information to the Primary location on screen 1. Then enter the former primary taxpayer's information under the spouse section.
Note If you have already entered other screens and marked them as belonging to either the taxpayer or the spouse in the TSJ box, you will need to verify those entries and select the appropriate taxpayer.