Drake Tax - Tax Literals Acronyms

Article #: 10407

Last Updated: December 05, 2024


Tags: Drake Tax

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Literals used on tax returns

Literal Description Possible Data Entry Locations
501C(18) Contributions Section 501(c)(18) pension  W2, box 12, code H
72(M)(5) Loans treated as distributions Screen 5, line 17j 
AB Adoption benefits from Form 8839 Screen W2, box 12, code T
ADT Tax on accumulation distribution of trusts  N/A
CCF Capital Construction Fund Screen 5, line 15 
CLERGY A clergy member filed Schedule SE, and the amount on line 2 includes an amount that is also reported on Form 1040. N/A
D MFS with Social Security benefits Screen 1 > Filing status and taxpayer did not live with spouse selections
DCB Dependent care benefits (Form 2441, line 21) not used for child care have been reported as income.

Screen W2, box 10

Screen 2441

DESERT STORM Military action  MISC screen > Military section
DFC Disqualified Financial Contribution Screen W2, box 11 
ECCFR Recapture of credit for employer-provided child care facilities

Screen 5, line 17a

Screen 5, line 8 (Drake19 & 20) 

ELA  Section 461(l) excess business loss adjustments (1041 line 8) N/A
EPP Excess golden parachute payment

Screen 5, line 17k

Screen 99M

Screen W2, box 12, code K. 

EXEMPT-NOTARY Notary Public Screen C check box 
Form 4029 The taxpayer or spouse has filed Form 4029 and is opting out of Social Security coverage as conscientious objectors (for religious reasons). Screen SE check box 
Form 4361 Minister - The taxpayer or spouse has filed Form 4361 and is opting out of Social Security coverage. Screen SE check box 
Form 8866 Interest Computation Under the Look-Back Method for Property Depreciated Under the Income Forecast Method Screen 8866
FITPP Tax on recapture of charitable contribution deduction Screen 5
FMSR Recapture of federal mortgage subsidy, Form 8828 Screen 8828 
FORM 1099 Withholding on Forms 1099












FORM 2555 Foreign Earned Income Exclusion Screen 2555
Form 8814 Child interest and dividends reported on payments

Screen 8814 

Also review the Tax Computation Worksheet

HAITI Military action MISC screen > Military section
HSA Additional tax on health savings account distributions Screen 8889 
HFD Qualified HSA funding distribution Screen 1099 > special tax treatments tab 
HSH Wages earned as household employee, but not reported on W-2 Screen HSH
ICR Recapture of investment credit from Form 4255 Screen 4255
IECR Recapture of Indian Employment Credit  Screen 5, line 17a
JOINT FORGE Military action MISC screen > Military section  
JOINT GUARD Military action MISC screen > Military section
JURY PAY Jury Pay Given to Employer  Screen 4, line 24a and Screen 3
LIHCR Recapture of low-income housing credit, Form 8611 Screen 8611
LSE Lump-sum Social Security when filing MFS  Screen LSSA or Screen 3. Also see Drake Tax - 1040: Lump Sum Social Security Distributions
LTC Long-term care insurance from Form 8853  Screen 8853
MED MSA Additional tax on Medicare Advantage MSA distributions (also Medicare Savings) Screen 8853 
MRD Multiple recipients of lump-sum distribution in relation to Form 4972 Screen 4972
MSA Additional tax on Archer MSA deductions, from Form 8853 Medical Savings Account  Screen 8853
NMCR Recapture of New Markets Credit Screen 5, line 17a
NO Early distribution from an IRA or retirement plan, Form 5329 not required

Screen 1099

Screen 5329

NO Taxpayer did not qualify for EIC EIC screen
NO Early distribution not lump sum N/A
NORTHERN FORGE Military action MISC screen > Military section
NORTHERN WATCH Military action MISC screen > Military section
NPA Non-passive activity, real estate professional Screen E 
NUA Net unrealized appreciation; usually part of a lump sum not taxable until sold on 1099-R in relation to Form 4972 securities. Screen 4972
OPERATION ALLIED FORCE Military action (Form 1040) MISC screen > Military section 
PPR Personal property rental expense  Screen 4
PRI Prisoner income Screen W2 
PSO Qualified public safety officer distributions Screen 1099 > special tax treatments tab
PYA Prior year unallowed losses that are now deductible

Screen K1P

Screen K1S

Review Basis calculations and Form 7203

QPA Qualified Performing Artist Screen 2106 
RC National Guard credit Screen 2106 
REPAID Repaid unemployment Screen 3, line 7 
RFST Forestation amortization and expenses Screen 4 
ROLLOVER Rollover of retirement benefits Screen 99R, box 7, code G
SCH Scholarship and fellowship grants not reported on Form W-2 Screen 3 
SubPayTRA Repaid supplemental unemployment benefits Screen 4
UN OPERATION Military action MISC screen > Military section 
UPE Unreimbursed partnership expense Screen 8829 
UT Uncollected Social Security and Medicare tax on tips or group-term life insurance

Screen 5

Screen W-2, box 12, code A or B

WP Workfare wages Screen W2