Rightworks - Scanning
Article #: 16803
Last Updated: December 05, 2024
Scanning to Drake Documents from the Rightworks desktop is facilitated by a program called TSScan. This program is installed with the Rightworks Setup Wizard. TSScan allows you to send a scan job to Drake Documents from your local or network scanner. TSScan is able to recognize any TWAIN compliant scanner that is available to your local computer. For more information about scanning in Drake Documents, see Drake Documents - Functions, Setup, and Technical Requirements.
If you are using the scanner through the Rightworks Desktop, and the software seems to be frozen, then you may need to minimize your Rightworks window and make a selection on a local scanner interface window. To avoid this issue, ensure that Scanner UI is not checked on the TS Scan window.
Note You can also install TSScan directly from the Terminal Works website, if needed, at a later time. If you are installing TSScan independent of the setup wizard, ensure that you are logged out of the Rightworks Desktop and that all other remote desktop sessions are closed before running the installer.