Drake Tax - Form 6198 - Note 097
Article #: 14253
Last Updated: December 05, 2024
This note is generated when, in a 1040 return, the Some investment is NOT at risk box is marked on the federal Schedule C, E or F. This check box can be located in the following places:
Cscreen > line 32b,
Escreen > Some investment is NOT at risk check box at the right of the screen, or
F screen > line 36b
These check boxes should only be marked if some of the investments are not considered at-risk. If a check box is marked in one of the above locations, a Form 6198, At-Risk Limitations, would also be expected. If a Form 6198 is needed, it can be completed by going to the Income tab > screen 6198, with the For box pointed at the applicable screen.
To determine if any amounts are not considered at-risk, see Publication 925.