Drake Tax - 1040 - State Signature and Declaration Forms
Article #: 15778
Last Updated: December 05, 2024
While some states use the Federal 8879 for e-file with individual returns, some states have their own E-File Authorization form. Below is a listing of each of the states that have their own signature form, as well as if the specific state uses the Federal 8879 in addition to signing the return itself. For further information and instruction, see the individual state instructions for each specific state. There are also setup options for some states available under the Setup > Options > States tab (i.e. enabling alternative electronic signatures, setting a preparer, selecting to print signature dates at the state level, etc.).
State | EF Signature Form | EF Declaration Form | State Instructions |
Alabama | AL-8453 | AL 40 Instructions | |
Arizona | AZ-8879 | AZ 140 Booklet | |
Arkansas | AR-8453 | AR 1000F Instructions | |
California | CA-8879 | ||
Colorado | CO-8453 | CO 104 Instructions | |
Connecticut | Federal 8879 | CT-1040 Booklet | |
District of Columbia | DC-40E | DC 40 Instructions | |
Georgia | GA-8453 | GA 500 Instructions | |
Hawaii | N-11 or N-15 Main Form | HI N-11 Instructions | |
Idaho | Federal 8879 | ID 40 Instructions | |
Illinois | IL-8453 | IL 1040 Instructions | |
Indiana | IT-8879 | IN IT-40 Instructions | |
Iowa | IA-8453 | IA 1040 Instructions | |
Kansas | Federal 8879 | KS 40 Instructions | |
Kentucky | Federal 8879 | KY-8879-K for state-only EF | KY 740 Instructions |
Louisiana | LA-8453 | LA 540 Instructions | |
Maine | Federal 8879 | ME 1040 Booklet | |
Maryland | MDEL101 or MDEL101B | MD 502 Booklet | |
Massachusetts | M-8453 | MA 1 Instructions | |
Michigan | Federal 8879, MBT requires the 8879-MBT | MI8453 required for state only filing | MI-1040 Booklet |
Minnesota | Federal 8879 | MN 1 Instructions | |
Mississippi | MS 80-115 (MS-8453) | MS 80-105 Instructions | |
Missouri | Federal 8879 | MO 1040A Instructions | |
Montana | Montana considers the act of E-Filing as the signature. | . | MT-2 Instructions |
Nebraska | NE considers the act of E-Filing as the signature. | NE-8453 | NE 1040N Booklet |
New Jersey | NJ-8879 is no longer required by the state and cannot be generated starting in Drake18. | NJ 1040 e-File Handbook | |
New Mexico | NM-8453 | NM PIT-1 Instructions | |
New York | TR579-IT* | NY IT-201 Instructions | |
North Carolina | Federal 8879 | NC D-400 Instructions | |
North Dakota | Federal 8879 | ND-1 Instructions | |
Ohio | The state of Ohio accepts the Perjury Statement as the Ohio E-File Signature. | OH 1040 Booklet | |
Oklahoma | OK-511EF | OK-511 Instructions | |
Oregon | Federal 8879 | OR-40 Instructions | |
Pennsylvania | PA-8879 | PA-8453 | PA-40 Instructions |
Rhode Island | Federal 8879 | RI-8453 | RI 1040 Instructions |
South Carolina | SC-8453 | SC 1040 Instructions | |
Utah | Federal 8879 | UT-40 Instructions | |
Vermont | VT 8879 | VT IN-111 Instructions | |
Virginia | VA-8879 | VA-8453 | VA 760 Booklet |
West Virginia | WV-8453 | WV 140 Booklet | |
Wisconsin | Federal 8879 | WI 1 Instructions |
Caution The state instructions listed are for when the taxpayer is a resident of that state. You will need to navigate to each state DOR for further questions regarding nonresidents of these listed states.
*The NYTR579 will only print both the ERO and Paid Preparer if they are different. Per the instructions, "...an individual performing as both the paid preparer and the ERO is only required to sign as the paid preparer. It is not necessary to include the ERO signature in this case."