Drake Tax - State Pass-Through Entity Tax (PTET) in Business Packages
Article #: 18333
Last Updated: December 05, 2024
The PTET allows electing S corporations or partnerships to be taxed at the entity level, which allows eligible shareholders and partners to take the credit on their individual return for taxes paid. Doing so bypasses the state and local tax (SALT) limitation of $10,000.
Enter state pass-through entity tax estimates on the ESTIMATED TAXES TO BE PAID FOR NEXT YEAR section of screen ES with the appropriate state PTET selected from the Type drop list. The amounts entered here automatically flow to the "PTE taxes" line of the Taxes and Licenses Attachment (Wks Tax/Lic in View/Print mode) as well as the "Taxes and licenses" line of the main form.
To override the amount that flows from screen ES, go to screen DED and select the Detail link next to the Taxes and licenses field. On the Taxes and Licenses screen, enter the desired amount in the ST/City PTE taxes (from ES screen) field.