Drake Tax - Reject "SA-F8936-030" - Unsubstantiated VIN
Article #: 18410
Last Updated: March 06, 2025
The taxpayer will receive IRS reject "SA-F8936-030" if they are attempting to claim the Clean Vehicle Credit on Form 8936 and the associated VIN entered on screen 936A (for individual or tax-exempt returns) or 8936 (for corporation, S corporation, partnership, or fiduciary returns) is not found in the IRS' database.
Return to the applicable screen 936A or 8936 and ensure the entered VIN is correct. If an incorrect VIN was entered, make any necessary corrections, recalculate, and retransmit the return.
If the VIN is correct, other substantiation is required. Use screen PDF to attach a PDF document providing information that would substantiate the VIN (such as a document from the seller with the VIN or a similar document). The document’s description must be “Substantiate VIN” (excluding quotes).
For more information on the PDF attachment process, refer to Drake Tax – e-File Attachments.