Drake Tax - Schedule A: Print Even Using the Standard Deduction

Article #: 13106

Last Updated: December 05, 2024


Tags: Drake Tax

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How to produce the itemized deductions even though the return is calculating the standard deduction

You can choose to produce the Schedule A even when the standard deduction is used by the return globally or on a return-by-return basis.

Go to Setup > Options > Form & Schedule Options,and clear Print Schedule A only when required to have Schedule A be generated with each individual return even if the standard deduction is used in the return.

To produce or suppress the Schedule A on a return-by-return basis, go to the Miscellaneous tab of data entry > PRNT screen and make a selection in the Produce Schedule A drop list.

This does not affect return calculation, but causes a Schedule A to appear in View/Print mode for reference.

Note  Drake Tax automatically calculates whether itemized deductions or the standard deduction are more advantageous to the taxpayer. To force the return to use itemized deductions rather than the standard deduction, open the Schedule A data entry screen and check the box to Force Itemized.