Drake Tax - Window Sizing Incorrect
Article #: 13193
Last Updated: December 05, 2024
Some users have reported issues where some of the windows (or screens) in Drake Tax appear to exceed the computer's display, or some buttons and text are faded or are not accessible. This issue can occur if the computer has been set to size the screen at greater than 100%. The monitor display resolution setting may need to be adjusted to see the scroll bar on some screens.
Computer Settings
Close any open programs.
Go to the Start menu and select Settings.
Select System and then Display and scroll to Scale and layout.
Under Scale, make a selection. Typically, it's best to choose the one that is marked (Recommended).
For changes to be applied, you will need to sign out of Windows and back in again.
Note The steps above are for Windows 11. Steps may vary depending on the operating system being used.
Drake Tax Settings
If the above change does not have the desired affect, you can toggle settings by going to Setup > Options > Data Entry:
When possible, make data entry screen text smaller to minimize or eliminate scrolling.
Magnify data entry (enables zoom of a single data entry field when the cursor is in it).
Maximize data entry screens where possible for easier viewing
Size data entry screens to show most fields without scrolling
Magnify data entry (enables zoom of a single data entry field when the cursor is in it).
If you continue to experience difficulty with the size and appearance of software screens, please contact Drake Support for assistance at (828) 524-8020.