Drake Tax - 1120: Item D Total Assets
Article #: 10103
Last Updated: December 05, 2024
How enter an amount in Box D, "Total Assets," on Form 1120
Item D is completed automatically by the software based on asset data entry in the return. It is not required to be completed if the answer to Schedule K, question 13 (gross receipts and total assets are both less than $250,000) is Yes.
If the amount is not required to be printed, you can force it to produce by entering it in the Total assets on Form 1120, pg 1, item D field on the PRNT (Print Options) screen override. An entry here will override the total asset amount carried from Schedule L.
In addition, if you choose to Force Schedules G (1120-C), L, M-1, and M-2 to be printed on the PRNT screen, the total assets will also print in Item D.
For more information, see the 1120 Instructions.