Drake Tax - MA - Corporation, S corporation, and Partnership Extensions
Article #: 10229
Last Updated: December 05, 2024
e-Filing Massachusetts extension for business returns
The Commissioner will grant certain individuals, fiduciaries, partnerships, and domestic and foreign corporations an automatic six month extension of time to file a tax return, without the need for application by such taxpayer. For additional information, see TIR 06-21
If a payment is expected, an extension can be created and e-filed through Drake Tax. Before e-filing a Massachusetts extension, make sure to check the following screens:
EF screen
Under State e-File Override, select MA EXT (and any other state that applies).
Under Federal e-File Override, select:
Federal 7004 Only, if sending a federal extension.
Do Not Send Federal, if a federal extension is not being sent at that time.
MA EXT screen
In an 1120-S and 1120:
Select Y for Generate an Extension.
place a check mark in the box Carry the calculated required payment amount to the voucher to have the software produce a voucher.
Overrides may be necessary in the extension worksheet section to produce the expected amount if income and/or deductions have not yet been entered.
Do not enter an Amount paid with Extension until after the MA 7004 has been e-filed.
In a 1065, check the box Generate a MA extension. This will generate Form MA 8736EX in View/Print mode, however, MA EX MSG 0106 generates preventing e-file as partnership returns are informational returns and do not have a payment.
View the return and verify the following pages:
MA EXMSG page - all EF messages have been eliminated.
The appropriate form is populated and accurate:
Corp and S-Corp packages – Form MA 7004.
Partnership packages – Form MA 8736EX.
The EF form (below) includes MA in the forms being e-filed.
1120EF (Corporation packages).
1120SEF (S corporation packages).