Drake Tax - MA - Exclusions on Schedule B Line 6

Article #: 13150

Last Updated: December 05, 2024


Tags: Drake Tax

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By default, Drake will pull calculations for the following will be shown on Schedule B, line 6:

  1. Interest on US Obligations

  2. Tax Exempt Interest

  3. State Tax Exempt Interest

  4. Nontaxable Dividends

  5. Other State Interest

  6. Other State Dividends

If the results are not as you expected, and you would like to change the output, you can do so by going to States > MA > screen B. On the MA B screen, type the amount that should be excluded and check the Use these instead of what flows box. This will act as an override for what is being populated on line 6 of the MA Schedule B.

If the box is checked and amounts are entered, nothing will carry from the federal return except what is keyed on this screen.

In View/Print mode, the MA STMBEX will display the excluded items.