Drake Tax - MA - Circuit Breaker Credit

Article #: 12948

Last Updated: December 05, 2024


Tags: Drake Tax

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Note  This article comprises former KB articles 16915 and 12948. It is herein referred to as KB 12948.

No Form

The software does not produce Schedule CB and corresponding worksheets if the taxpayer does not qualify for the Circuit Breaker Credit. If necessary, you can force the forms to print if you, or your client, would like to see why they do not qualify.

To force the forms to print, go to the States tab and choose MA. On the main MA data entry screen, go to screen PRNT (Print Options). Select the option Force Schedule CB - Circuit Breaker Credit to print. Go to View/Print mode and review MACB (Schedule CB) and MAWK_CB (the associated worksheet). MACB line 20 is where the qualification is determined.

Character Limit

Only 13 characters can be entered for the landlord's name and address fields on MA screen CB. The state of Massachusetts has set a character limit for these fields within the software, and there is no way to remove or increase that limit.