Drake Tax - 1041: Depletion
Article #: 13258
Last Updated: December 05, 2024
If you figured depletion outside of Drake Tax, use screen E > Income/Expenses tab, line 18 Depletion to make your entry. If an AMT adjustment for depletion is needed, this entry can be made on the WKK1 screen > line 12h.
Alternatively, oil and gas depletion can be calculated using the DEPL screen on the Income tab.
Important You must complete the rest of Form 1041 before making any entries on the DEPL screen.
View the completed Form 1041 and locate the taxable income line. Enter this amount on the DEPL screen, line 17.
Complete the For and MFC fields.
Select 15% or 22% from the Applicable Percentage drop list. The DEPL screen calculates only oil and gas depletion and requires either 15% or 22%.
If you enter data in both the Cost Depletion and Percentage Depletion sections, the program calculates the best deduction for the taxpayer.
Enter any other necessary information on the DEPL screen.
View the return and look for Wks DEPL.
Tip The Depletion field on screens C, E, K1P, K1S, and WKK1 screens are override fields if you use the DEPL screen.
See Publication 535 for more information on calculating depletion.
By default, depletion is carried to the beneficiary's Form K-1. If the depletion should be carried to the Schedule C, E, or F instead, see Drake Tax - 1041: Carrying Depreciation or Depletion to Schedule C, E, or F.