Drake Tax - NC - D-403 Voucher Not Produced

Article #: 14671

Last Updated: December 05, 2024


Tags: Drake Tax

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North Carolina partnerships should generally pay any amount due when filing the NC D-403 return. If e-filing through Drake, the PMT screen on the States tab may be used to schedule the electronic payment. Read the INFO screen for more details about direct debit of payments in NC.

If the partnership e-files the D-403 return, but elects not to pay electronically, a voucher must be created to which the required payment will be attached. A voucher will not be produced in Drake Tax, however, the NC DOR provides a web-fill form that can be used to generate the NC D-403V, Partnership Income Payment Voucher.

If the NC D-403 return is being paper-filed, do not complete the web-fill voucher. Instead, the NC DOR states to staple the payment to the return and mail both the return and the payment to:

North Carolina Department of Revenue

PO Box 25000

Raleigh, North Carolina 27640-0640