Drake Tax - Unrecaptured 1250 Gain

Article #: 13208

Last Updated: December 05, 2024


Tags: Drake Tax1120S

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Where to enter Section 1250 Unrecaptured Gain

Use screen 1250 - Unrecaptured Section 1250 Gain . It is available in both 1065 and 1120S packages.


The amount flows to the Form 1065, page 5, line 9c, generates statement and flows to each Partner's Schedule K-1, line 9c.


The amount flows to the Form 1120-S, page 3, line 8c, generates a statement, and flows to each Shareholder's Schedule K-1, line 8c.

1040 or 1041

Enter the amount reported by the pass-through entity on the applicable line of the K1P, K1S, or K1F screen.

Note: Entries on the 4797, D, or D2 screen(s) may generate a Wks 1250 when needed in a 1040 or 1041 return. Wks 1250 is not generated in a 1120-S or 1065 return.