Drake Tax - CA - Child and Dependent Care Expenses Credit
Article #: 11684
Last Updated: December 05, 2024
If the CA 3506 Child and Dependent Care Expenses Credit is not producing, one of three items is probably the cause:
Information is missing about the care provider and a message page is being generated.
Certain qualifications are not being met.
The provider’s physical address is not CA. (Only care provided in California qualifies for the credit.)
Item 1 - ensure that the care provider's name, street address, city, state, zip, and telephone number, are entered on federal screen 2441. If TAXEXEMPT is entered in the SSN/EIN field on screen 2441, you must also select the EIN option for CA. The care provider's EIN or SSN must also be entered on the California 3506 screen. Page down to enter the SSN/EIN for multiple providers. The ID must match that on federal screen 2441.
Item 2 - check the CA FTB Instructions for Form FTB 3506.
Item 3 - check that the provider's address is indeed within CA on federal screen 2441.